After the larger number of Elo hell threads I saw pop-up recently, I decided to go smurf last night, at about 1350 Elo. I duo queued with some random people from the forums, who were about 1250 Elo, so that I would get the heart of the "1300 hell" range.

Results I went 5-2 over my 7 games. Probably would have gone 6-1 if I didn't duo queue. In a large number of the games, 5 of 6 total, I felt my duo partner was dead weight, and might have had better players just by testing the system. Generally I had them on support, however, so apart from not doing proper supporting at a high level, they were not feeding.

Did I carry? Yes, I carried, and carried hard. Apart from one game where I went 2/3/0 (final score was 3-20), every other game I was in I had a massive impact. I played a game on brand where I literally had all of my teams kills for the first 15 minutes, having 5 kills in a 5-9 game. Later went on to finish with kills/assists on 16 out of 17 of our kills. Best of all was my Amumu game. In spite of heavy ganking (all while maintaining nearly double enemy Xin's cs) all 3 lanes lost turrets. We actually lost bot inhibitor at 25 minutes and trailed 7 turrets, 2 Dragon's and about 5 kills. And we won. How? I told my team to defend up. When the enemy team went for Baron I just hooked in, smite-stole, flashed out. The enemy team started internally raging hard (as evidenced by post game chat) and we went out to win. Plus when you basically never die (1 death in 45 minutes), but kill the enemy carries every fight (<3 1700 hp glass cannons), it's not that difficult. My games on Malz and Brand where a lot easier, but I carried games as both Cho and Amumu too.

Did I have *that game* where I carried and team lost? Yes. My final game actually. I was 10/2/4 with top cs as Cho'Gath. I was tanking 5 people's worth of damage, killing 2-3 of them, and living. And we lost. Why? Because 3v5 is pretty tough to win. Our first pick solo top Nid got all butt-hurt when I told him (politely at first) to stop telling everyone how to play. He was already raging pretty hard from select .When I told him to just calm down and play and enjoy the free Elo he really didn't take a liking to me. Claimed I wasn't a 2k (FINE I'm 1980 as of this morning) Elo player because I had flash on D and ignite on F. Then said he was a 1900 Elo player and that I should suck his rooster, etc. Went 0/6/2 (2 assists were NOTHING he did, he started 0/5/0), lost his turret, then rage quit. Like a boss. I am fairly certain we still would have won had our Warwick been better. To be fair, he was 5th pick and was forced into jungling. However, I did ask him if he could jungle as a question as I would have happily jungled Cho'Gath, but he didn't speak up. I felt bad, he had no clue what he was doing. Got Sorc Shoes, then tried to rush a Madreds and finished 2/10/3. I tried to give him advice, which was too little too late. So we lost.

See noob, can't carry every game, Elo hell, blah blah. Hardly, I had one game that was completely lost, and one where a rage quit and total feeder cost us badly. But I still won every other game. In 7 games I died 14 times, with a max of 3 deaths. I had rather bad luck, as in 5 out 7 games, my team felt totally incompetent. We still won 3 of those 5.

[CODE]I am higher Elo, of course I can carry. You belong in 1600, but can't carry baddies in 1400. Well if you can't carry baddies at your level, then why do you think you belong, just a little higher? This is what really frustrate me (and most other people that don't like Elo Hell QQ). If you consistently outperform everyone, you win most games. Even if you can't super carry, you will still go up in Elo, just maybe over a slightly longer stretch. The people on the other team in my games often got good scores early feeding of my terrible allies. But in the crux of the game, they couldn't position. They couldn't focus properly. And just basically couldn't take advantage of their gold lead. Without defense or penetration I was able to make quick work of enemy carries whether I was on Cho or Malz. So if you are complaining that you can't carry baddies, learn from this. Position well. NEVER give enemies free kills. Make them earn everything, and take people out if you gotta go down.

Conclusions To those that say Elo hell means NO ONE can carry out because it is random, that is just not true. Sure my 7 game sample (and 12 before, so now 19; I'm 16-3) is small, but the large number of top players with top level smurfs just proves this point. Really good players can carry out against bad ones with ease. To those that think they are only slightly misplaced. Keep at it, maybe there is some critical aspect to your game you are missing. Maybe you had a bit of bad luck stretch. If you truly belong higher, you will get there without trouble.

Lo único infernal que tiene dicho elo son los abundantes trolls y afkers... Dedicado para todos los puto que lloran por el elo hell que no pueden carrear nada eeeee