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Tema: Wowers CSGoers: League of DotA 2 - Toda la cumbia villera del gaming en un thread

  1. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    mi primer skinn, fue la french maid. garpa muchisimo :p

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  2. Night-Night Avatar de Z_z
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 ene, 09
    Por ahí

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por simi_m Ver Mensaje
    Yo voy mid con Yorick cuando me ponen un Cho' Gath en top o cosas así.
    O.o, Yorick mid es bueno contra casi cualquier cosa, no entiendo porq contra cho que se cura con tus bichitos o.o

  3. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por Morello
    Hey folks,

    As I’ve been hinting at for a little while now, the next champion is our new support character. While we’ll get to the details on her in the next few days, I wanted to pull back the curtain on what “support champion” means when we set out to create one.

    First up, let’s discuss the differences between support characters, and the lane assignment of support – they overlap a lot, but they’re not the same:

    ▬ Support characters are defined by being assisters and enablers for their allies – this is the core “support psychology” we want to achieve. Good examples of these characters are Janna, Lulu or Sona.
    ▬ Support as a lane role is any character that can thrive on less gold, and has a strong lane presence – either offensively or defensively. Characters from the previous definition often fit here, but other characters go here a lot. For example: Leona is a tank, but plays the support role in a team. Alistar is a little of both because he’s a great linebacker.

    So, with that out of the way: when we talk about a support character (like Nami – the new one!) we mean the first definition. Zyra, while able to play the support role, is not a support champion by these definitions – she’s more like a mage with an off-spec.

    So, why should you care about Nami? Let me tell you!

    ▬ She brings a combination of defensive utility (including a way to heal in combat situations!) and offensive “set-up”
    ▬ She’s the water caster that you’ve anticipated for a long time – with a support leaning
    ▬ She’s a regal mermaid – an archetype I think we can agree is a needed addition to the League lineup
    ▬ Her offensive setup features a skillshot-style paradigm, something supports have only really had with Lulu; we wanted to expand a bit
    ▬ While this is the concept art and the final has changed (as all concepts do through development), she’s drawn by the ridiculously talented Gem Lim

    We’ve learned a lot of lessons from our supports, and think Nami shows how we can make a character who satisfies the core support psychology, and is healthy for the game. And with our commitment to developing a variety of champions, you’ll be seeing more supports coming next year – so this is far from the last example of that.

    Look for more exact details, including skills and more art, in the upcoming days – and you will be able to check out Nami on the Public Beta Realm soon, too.

    Todo bien, mas support nunca esta mal etc...pero cortenla con esa corona en la cabeza xD

  4. Ades de Manzana Avatar de Zemarko
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 may, 10

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Che hace ratito no sacan un AD carry. El último fue Draven, no?
    League Of Legends
    LA-Sur Zhem ~ Zemarko (en caso de ban)

    Mi SoundCloud. Mis composiciones.

  5. Dios Vikingo del Rock Avatar de Siegfrid
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    En las gloriosas tierras de Valhallanús

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    La cuñada de fizz?

  6. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    La hubieran hecho colorada al menos..

  7. Night-Night Avatar de Z_z
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 ene, 09
    Por ahí

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Posta, muchas coronas en la cabeza..

    Igual parece buen champ, y como todos los ultimos, seguro es divertida de usar, fucking expensive new champs :C

  8. Night-Night Avatar de Z_z
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 ene, 09
    Por ahí

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Me acabo de dar cuenta que esta en bolas salvo por un poco de armadura o.o.

    Es extraño que todo es medio escamoso menos las gomas por adentro de ese pelo o lo que sea que es.

  9. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    ble, eye candy igual que el art original de zyra, desp le nerfean las gomas y el orto

  10. Senior Member
    Fecha de Ingreso
    11 nov, 08
    Yumbo City

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Me acabo de tocar un duo bot en mi team de esos lelos q no cordinan manos con cabeza, ba no se si tenian manos y muchos menos cabeza, resumiendo la twitch enemiga termino 19/2 cuando lastimosamente top mid jungle habiamos ganado. D:

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