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Tema: Wowers CSGoers: League of DotA 2 - Toda la cumbia villera del gaming en un thread

  1. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Es que, para mi, las stompeada con leblanc viene por el lado de que nadie conoce al champ, yo desde que juego lol la vi una sola vez en free y las veces que me la cruce en games son contadas con los dedos (y hace 1 año y medio aprox que juego). En ranked y especialmente en diamond supongo que sera otra cosa, porque ya saben como se mueve una lb, y saben como tratar con ella.


  2. 1 2 3 14 Avatar de Poo
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Hoy jugue con meophite o algo asi, el rocoso que esta gratis ahora.

    Esta bueno, me fue bien... pero tiene una magic resist bajisima, te agarra un caster y te revienta.

  3. Portal: Theramore Avatar de MagusCT
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    El Cilindro de Avellaneda

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por Vinyl Ver Mensaje

    Los videos de ese flaco me hacen reventar <3
    JAJAJAJA los 4 teleports cuando muere el Zac jajaja, me lo llegan a hacer a mí y apago la pc de una piña jajajaa.

  4. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por Oxida Ver Mensaje
    pero en que division andan jugando le blanc? yo soy fanatico de este champ pero me bajo directamente a diamond 3 ,estando en promo de diamond 2 ,no le encontre la vuelta de ganar un game ni a gancho, y eso q stompeaba mi lane antes de pasar a las tf ; con los cambios nuevos ahora ya no es tan facil ganar la lane ni siquiera
    nadie dice que ganes el game ahahahaha
    normalmente no pasas de stompear la lane xD

  5. Senior Member Avatar de l30n47d0
    Fecha de Ingreso
    28 jul, 09
    Detrás de un arbol

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Unlucky Ezreal RIP - LeagueCraft mjajajaa

    No se usa en ranked lb, tenes mejores opciones como ahri, diana, karthus, orianna, lux, etc.

  6. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por l30n47d0 Ver Mensaje
    Unlucky Ezreal RIP - LeagueCraft mjajajaa

    No se usa en ranked lb, tenes mejores opciones como ahri, diana, karthus, orianna, lux, etc.
    eso es lo q me molesta tanto de q un champ tan divertido sea tan inutil frente a otras opciones como las q dijiste arriba...se suponia q estos cambios era para q la lb sea mas viable y no cambio una mierda

  7. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por Oxida Ver Mensaje
    eso es lo q me molesta tanto de q un champ tan divertido sea tan inutil frente a otras opciones como las q dijiste arriba...se suponia q estos cambios era para q la lb sea mas viable y no cambio una mierda
    es que el kit que tiene lb es para single target.... esta para eso. hacer cadorcha a uno y despues morir como un chancho porque otra no te queda. ahora tenes la W para escaparte o meter algoooo de daño en una tf, pero no cambia mucho la verdad
    igual, bien usada, le cagas terriblemente el farm al del diome. mal usada no pasa de ser un poco de daño molesto.

    no probe, pero como se mueve ahora contra ADs mid como talon o zed?

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  8. Re: Wowers Lolers!


    Alright - again, thanks for your patience. We've chatted a bit about Warwick, and I'll try to lay out what we see the problems, concerns, and our direction we'd like to take while fixing things to bring him up to date.

    Let's start with what's holding Warwick back, currently;

    He has weak pre-6 game presence: Because of the reliance on his ultimate, Warwick's ability to make plays, gank, or finish a kill is really poor until he hits 6.

    He has a very flat pacing that disallows skilled duels, which keeps him weak: Most reasonable Warwick builds have enough cooldown reduction to keep W up almost all the time, spam Q quickly (and E, of course, is a passive). Over time, this has lead Warwick having few levers for us to adjust and make him have both a satisfying and balanced place in League.

    Blood Scent is only helpful if Warwick is ahead: Since the skill is passive, and conditional on the enemy being low, this thematically-great skill doesn't make a lot of opportunities for fallback patterns or make ways to outplay an opponent.

    These are likely the first places we'd look to fix with him. Next, where do we envision Warwick living in the game, and what should he do?

    Warwick should be a staple in the jungle: Warwick has historically been a jungler (and for a lot of older players, THE jungler!), and we think this should be where he primarily lives. His lifesteal focus is easier to balance there, and could be used to make for strong counter-jungling safety with the right adjustments.

    Warick should be a consistent, sustained lifesteal fighter: This is largely what he is now, and I don't see any need to change that identity. I think details will need to change to bring him up-to-date, but the identity is a fine one.

    I'll give you some very initial thoughts on what direction we'll take. I'm not going to comb details much in this thread (that's going to likely be handled by someone on the team!), but just give you an idea what we're thinking.

    Improve Blood Scent and improve pre-6 ganks: This is a pretty cool skill in the way it sells "hunter," but mechanically, it needs some work. This skill is also the first place for us to look in ways to add new decisions (which will show more/less skilled play between players) and enable pre-6 ganks so he can actually perform his job as a jungler.

    More wildly adjust numbers, especially cooldowns: The lack of pacing spoken to earlier will need to change if we want to buff Warwick. Even other fighters like Jax or Irelia have windows of downtime that more knowledgable players can capitalize on to turn engagements. Without this, we can't really up Warwick's power much - this will be a part of it. It may also include mechanical tweaks on skills like W, E, or his passive.

    This likely won't happen for several patches: While we agree something needs to occur here, we do have bigger fish to fry before we do this. I'd love to get this out after World Finals patches are stabilized and we can focus on more opportunistic work like WW.

    I'm sure there are some unanswered questions, so I'll try to get to what I can.
    Morello, I'd like to talk about Warwick and propose some fixes - Page 51 - League of Legends Community

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  9. Animals Avatar de NeuroN
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    mejor q lo dejen asi el WW por ahora q estoy probando una build frutera.

  10. Senior Member Avatar de l30n47d0
    Fecha de Ingreso
    28 jul, 09
    Detrás de un arbol

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

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