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Tema: Wowers CSGoers: League of DotA 2 - Toda la cumbia villera del gaming en un thread

  1. Celestial Defender Avatar de Orochi_Drako
    Fecha de Ingreso
    12 nov, 08
    Foreando desde el Laburo

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Se empareja teniendo en cuenta factores como Elo y % de wins. Si el team es premade lo empareja con otro premade o contra gente de mas elo que ellos , no me acuerdo si habia algo mas pero no creo que tenga que ver de que paises son, seguramente te esta tocando jugar con premades por eso todos hablan el mismo idioma
    DragonSlayer Bear, Lv85 Feral Druid (US-Ragnaros)

  2. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    League of Legends v1.0.0.144

    Diana, Scorn of the Moon

    Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE, Diana will be released at a future date


    Cursed Touch (Passive)
    Duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4
    Mana cost reduced to 35 from 50
    Bandage Toss
    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1.0
    Curse of the Sad Mummy
    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 1.0


    Missile Speed increased to 1000 from 800
    Missile Speed no longer increases when hitting ablaze targets
    If Pyroclasm strikes an ablaze target, the next bounce will now prioritize champions


    Magic Resist per level increased to 1.25
    Attack Range normalized to 125 from 130
    Cast time reduced to 0.5 seconds from 0.672
    Delay normalized to 0.625 seconds from 0.5 - 0.75
    Feral Scream
    Cast time reduced to 0.5 seconds from 0.6417
    Vorpal Spikes
    Width now increases based on Cho'gath's size
    Now grants Cho'gath up to 50 additional Attack Range, based on Feast rank and amount of stacks
    Cast time normalized to 0.5 seconds from 0.43
    Range increased to 150 from 100


    Recommended items on Summoner's Rift now include Boots of Mobility
    Shadow Walk (Passive)
    Restealth duration reduced to 6 seconds from 8
    Dealing periodic damage (ie: Ignite) no longer prevents her from restealthing
    Agony's Embrace
    Cooldown reduced to 120/100/80 seconds from 150/120/90


    Devastating Charge
    Now more responsive when colliding with opponents
    Initial Movement Speed bonus increased to 25% from 0% (still reaches max speed at the same time)
    Onslaught of Shadows
    Enemy flee speed is now higher based on how close the enemy is to Hecarim


    Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.8
    Fixed: Janna will no longer sometimes retain the passive bonuses while Zephyr is on cooldown


    Wild Growth
    Fixed: Now completes its effects even if the allied target was about to take lethal damage at the time of casting


    Now gains 1.25 Magic Resist per level


    Junkyard Titan (Passive)
    Danger Zone damage bonus reduced to 25% from 30%
    Damage reduced to 90/160/230/300/370 from 90/180/270/360/450
    Fixed: Flamespitter no longer lasts slightly longer than intended


    Base Attack Damage increased to 52 from 50
    Venom Cask
    Missile Speed increased to 1400 from 1300


    Acid Hunter
    Damage adjusted back to 10/40/70/100/130 (+0.85 total Attack Damage) from 50/80/110/140/170 (+1.2 bonus Attack Damage)

    Xin Zhao

    Base Attack Damage reduced to 55.3 from 59
    Attack Damage per level increased to 3.3 from 3
    Audacious Charge
    Damage reduced to 70/110/150/190/230 from 70/115/160/205/250


    Omen of Famine
    Ravenous Ghoul will only heal Yorick for 50% the damage it deals to minions
    Omen of Death
    Fixed: The Revenant no longer instantly dies upon casting Omen of Death on an allied Evelynn

    Proving Grounds

    Repositioned Health Relics so players are less likely to unintentionally walk through them
    Adjusted Nexus turrets
    Nexus turrets reduced from two to one
    Nexus turrets now have an additional 20 Armor, 800 Health, and 30 base Attack Damage
    Experience curve adjusted so that levels 14-18 take slightly longer to reach


    You can now reset the current audio configuration back to defaults from the audio options menu
    Battle Training
    The "Buy Boots" quest will now properly fire
    The "Defeat the Lizard Elder" and "Defeat the Ancient Golem" quests will now properly fire when playing as Ashe
    The tip regarding Champion Ultimate Abilities will now show up properly when playing as Ashe
    Soraka Bot and Nasus Bot will no longer get stuck
    Updated several Champion art assets including splash art and icons for various Mordekaiser, Cassiopeia, Kassadin, Ezreal, and Ashe skins
    Fixed: Summoner's Insight now correctly works with Promote (now correctly grants bonus defensive stats)
    Fixed: Custom game bots now lane properly when allied players are jungling
    Updated tooltips for Ahri, Annie, Jarvan IV, Leona, Lux and Morgana

    New Tribunal Feature

    Players punished by the Tribunal will now be e-mailed a "Reform Card" which gives additional details about their case

  3. Animals Avatar de NeuroN
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Ese patch no esta puesto ya?

  4. Re: Wowers Lolers!


    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  5. Night-Night Avatar de Z_z
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 ene, 09
    Por ahí

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Range en el feast es un lindo buff, la cantidad de veces que se me habran escapado por estar un poco out of range. Fuera de eso, no creo que mejore mucho como esta cho, la mayoria de los tops van a poder seguir tirandosele encima y cagandolo a palos.

    23~ de magic resist gratis es lo mas lindo
    Última edición por Z_z; 01/08/2012 a las 09:05

  6. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Pero al cho jungler si es lindo buff..

  7. Night-Night Avatar de Z_z
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 ene, 09
    Por ahí

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    mm, no se, es minimo el cambio. Mismo clear time, los ganks seguis dependiendo de los skills shot, o de gankear una linea con cc (que es lo que mejor hace cho), Es minimamente mas facil pegar los ccs y minimamente mas facil pegar el feast, va a ayudar, pero no creo que vaya a cambiarle la vida.

    No se que me quejo, siempre me gusto cho xD y suelo ganar cuando lo pickeo (no demasiadas veces, no suelen gustarme los matchups que tiene, fuck riven)
    Última edición por Z_z; 01/08/2012 a las 09:11

  8. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Si es lindo, no es para tirar cohetes tampoco.. Igual nunca le vi la necesidad de buffearlo, pero que se yo..
    Buffearon al ''nunu jungla'' y en lane quedó op para mi, todavía nadie lo streamea asi que nadie lo usa/no está de ''moda''
    Por ahí quieren buffear al cho top y se sarpan con el cho jungla :p. Ojala porque cho top no me gusta..

  9. Night-Night Avatar de Z_z
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 ene, 09
    Por ahí

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    A mi me encanta jugar top , el jungla esta bueno, pero necesitas que las lanes tengan cc y que lo usen antes q vos, es demasiado pedir xD. Me encanta pickear a cho cuando tengo a sona en el team, Podes hacer una chain de cc hermosa.

    Tambien juego con cho mid, rlz

    Y no, no necesita el buff, ya de por si scalea recontra bien, tiene 2 ccs aoes, y un burst damange con true damange, y 900 de hp gratarola. El tema es que algunos tops que se le tiran encima lo pueden pasar por arriba. y no sirve para chasear ads late game, que es lo q hacne los buenos bruisers. Tiene problemas para encajar en el meta.


    Yo siempre use a nunu en cualquier lane, es cualquier cosa el sustain y el poke q tiene. Era asi de op desde antes y lo mas lindo, nadie sabe jugarle top
    Última edición por Z_z; 01/08/2012 a las 11:27

  10. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    A mi me gustó más el:

    Vorpal Spikes
    Width now increases based on Cho'gath's size

    Muy bueno sólo porque tiene lógica, me la chupa la jugabilidad...

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