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Gracias por el aporte.-
Si, hay varios spells de clases dps que estan pegando de mas, el balance es una.-
Aca otro aporte:
Shield Slam threat was increased by 30% with patch 3.3.2 :

"Shield Slam: The damage scaling from block value for this ability now diminishes faster and diminishes starting at a lower block value. The difference should be negligible for players in high-end tanking armor. In addition, the threat caused by Shield Slam has been increased by 30%."
Patch note : World of Warcraft Europe -> Patch Notes - Patch 3.3

With all last rev i tested, the threat is not increase according to the patch.

Proof :

Coefficient Threat in 3.0 : TankSpot
More informations : Finalizing the Prot Warrior design - Page 34 - Elitist Jerks
Nice sheet for threat calculation : 'Complete' Protection Warrior DPS/TPS spreadsheet

My data :
Damage : 2934
Multiply : 2.0735
Threat (base) : 770
Formula : (Damage + 770)*2.0735

(2934 + 770) * 2.0735 = 7680.224 threat points.

Which output is expect :
Formula expected : (Damage*1.3 + 770)*2.0735
(2934 * 1.3 + 770) * 2.0735 = 9505.339 threat points.

The gap is even bigger with 2T10 prot which will increase damage by 20%.
This is the main skill for warrior protection, it's an huge lack of threat now.

Lo importante ahi es la formula, es la formula vigente para 3.3.5a