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Tema: stress weekend: path of exile

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  1. #1

    Re: stress weekend: path of exile

    Cita Iniciado por Morphio Ver Mensaje
    la beta es cerrada. osea que si no pagaste o no te invitaron; no podes jugar.
    se puede bajar el cliente, hay una opcion en la barra de la derecha, pero no vas a poder logear.
    por lo que hasta que no salga, ajo y agua ^^
    Y si paciencia, no queda otra, gracias por la info, me encanto el skill tree, muy copada la idea...

    Salu2 !
    May the force be with you

    Peace Can Only Be Achieved By Understanding, Not By War

  2. #2
    Animals Avatar de NeuroN
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08

    Re: stress weekend: path of exile

    Mire el passive skill tree desde la pagina haha esta pequeño

  3. #3

    Re: stress weekend: path of exile

    No es tree es forest

  4. #4

    Re: stress weekend: path of exile

    Alguna noticia?

  5. #5

    Re: stress weekend: path of exile

    nu. ayer mire, pero todavia nada

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  6. #6

    Re: stress weekend: path of exile

    Ya va un año de beta creo.. Espero que no se siga estirando tanto jaja..

  7. #7

    Re: stress weekend: path of exile

    No termina más esta beta de mierda...

  8. #8

    Re: stress weekend: path of exile

    posta q la hacian larga,espero q el th sobreviva a q termine la beta al menos xD

  9. #9

    Re: stress weekend: path of exile

    Al menos que nos tengamos que conseguir "otro espacio".


  10. #10

    Re: stress weekend: path of exile

    Public Stress Test Weekend #4 is this Weekend!
    This weekend (September 14-16) the Path of Exile Beta servers will be available for public access! We've put up a page with answers to common questions about the event here. The last three public stress test weekends were a huge success, so we look forward to hopefully breaking some records this weekend!
    Path of Exile - A Free Online Action RPG

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

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