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Tema: Tides of War Lore MoP (massive spoilers)

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  1. #1

    Tides of War Lore MoP (massive spoilers)

    . Jaina has a new pink haired appentice from Dalaran at Rhonin's insistance
    . She meets up secretly with Thrall
    . Blue dragonflight decide to move the focusing Iris to a secret hiding place but the 5 dragon escort gets killed
    . Kalecgos goes after the Iris as being a former aspect he has a stronger link to it
    . Kalec goes to Jaina for help through Rhonins suggestion
    . Garrosh gathers all the leaders of the horde together and says he wants to take over the whole of kalimdor starting with Northwatch Hold and Theramore
    .Garrosh has a mean Blackrock Orc as a bodyguard
    .Baine and Vol'jin constantly question Garrosh
    . After taking Northwatch Hold, including using elemental beasts summoned by shamans
    . Baine sends a runner to Thermore along with Fearbreaker (to prove the runner is legit)
    . Jaina calls in 7th stormwind Fleet, some of Storwind's best generals and goes to the Kirin Tor who agree to let a few magi help along with Rhonin and Veressa. Kalec does some rounds looking for the focusing Iris but it keeps moving about so he waits it out with Jaina
    . Horde attack Theramore and initally they are forced back out but as the wounded and injured are being attended to the goblin airship with the arcane bomb attached which is being powered by the focusing Iris comes over theramore
    .Kalec trys to stop the airship but fails
    .Rhonin manages to open a portal in Jaina's tower and tries to get the bomb to come to it as it has more shielding and can minimise the damage
    .Rhonin pushes Jaina through the portal at the last moment
    .Jaina awakens white hair and eyes and goes back to theramore and sees everyone dead, (inc. Rhonin) she then steals the focusing iris
    . Only Vereessa and Shandaris Feathermoon survive as they are out of theramore at that momnet and Kalec because I think he was flying at the time
    .She goes to Varian and Anudin after they refuse to attack orgimaar in retaliation. she calls Varian a coward and Anudin a peace loving hippie (not in those words but essentially that) she apologies for helping making him that way
    .She goes to Dalaran/Kirin Tor and they refuse to help too
    . She steals a tome about using the Focusing Iris from the Dalaran Library
    . She goes to Echo Islands and uses the Iris to combine hundreds of Water Elementals into a tidal wave she intends to unleash on Orgimaar
    . At this time Stormwind get a fleet together to fight a Horde ship blockade near orgimaar with Varian on the ship and Anudin left in Storwind as "king"
    .Thrall tries stopping Jaina but fails but Kalec comes at the last moment and manages to get Jaina to stop
    . Jaina uses some of the Water elementals still summoned to help the alliance in the naval battle
    . Varian and Garrosh fight again
    . Northwatch hold is taken back and Garrosh retreats
    . Garrosh declares every able man and woman must fight and even children must help in the war effort
    .Last of Blue dragonflight go their seperate ways
    . Jaina and Kalec go back to Dala and returns the tome to them and gives them the focusing iris too and then asks to join the Kirin Tor as a novice member but they decide to make her Leader and they let Kalec in too.
    . Jaina speaks at Rhonin's funeral
    . Jaina and Kalec kiss.
    The end

    Fuente: Tides of War (massive spoilers)

    Rhonin - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

    blizzard matando a otro gran personaje ¬¬, te vamos a extrañar rhonin T_T

  2. #2

    Re: Tides of War Lore MoP (massive spoilers)

    Me gusta me gusta

    Excepto por que murio Rhonin me caia bien, pero bueno, fuera de ese detalle, pinta lindo lo que se viene.

    Ademas jaina siempre me parecio un personaje que desarrollaron muy poco, esta bueno que le den protagonismo en esta expa.
    Draguen - lvl 80 orc shaman
    Drakima - lvl 80 orc hunter

  3. #3

    Re: Tides of War Lore MoP (massive spoilers)

    Onda que Garrosh siempre quiere romper todo y adueñarse de todo .... Lastima que lo develaron como ultimo jefe y hay que matarlo (No sabemos si Thrall es el Warchief otra vez o no)
    Elsanto Undead-Mage 80

    Hardoxus-Ragnaros Undead-Mage 80
    Hardoxus#1630 Hearthstone

  4. #4
    Celestial Defender Avatar de Orochi_Drako
    Fecha de Ingreso
    12 nov, 08
    Foreando desde el Laburo

    Re: Tides of War Lore MoP (massive spoilers)

    Wtf matan a Rhonin???!! Yo esperab algo groso de ese personaje por su trayecto en el lore pero al final murio sin hacer nada =(
    DragonSlayer Bear, Lv85 Feral Druid (US-Ragnaros)

  5. #5
    Panda Refugiada Avatar de Belune
    Fecha de Ingreso
    12 may, 12

    Re: Tides of War Lore MoP (massive spoilers)

    Mmm..., no sabia lo que era "spoiler", ahora me arrepiento de haber leido.

    Que triste lo de Rhonin, lo de Krasus tambien, Blizzard tiene la mania de matar a los heroes. Ahora quedamos supuestamente con: Jaina enbroncadisima, con una faccion entera a su mando. 2 gemelos sin padre. Sin vuelo Azul. El asqueroso detalle de un orco Blackrock en la Horda, seguramente dandole todavia "mas" rosca a la cabeza del inmaduro de Garrosh.

    Solo se me ocurre ir a buscar a Thrall, como siempre, para que venga y ajusticie todo esto, pero en un 2do pensamiento me da pena, SABIENDO todo por lo cual paso, y pasa. Cuanto drama tiene esto, o yo estoy excesivamente melancolica.

    NO, Blizzard esta mal. (?)

  6. #6

    Re: Tides of War Lore MoP (massive spoilers)

    darle importancia al lore, en el año 2012
    Cita Iniciado por Aless Ver Mensaje
    Son grandes mentes criminales, probablemente detras de la pc este Darin o Gaston Pauls pensando nuevas formas de engañar a los usuarios

  7. #7

    Re: Tides of War Lore MoP (massive spoilers)

    Cita Iniciado por Alokos Ver Mensaje
    darle importancia al lore, en el año 2012
    Io juego waaaarcraf i tengo un warror elfo de sangre, aguantiiiiiiii blisssarduuu
    May the force be with you

    Peace Can Only Be Achieved By Understanding, Not By War

  8. #8
    Panda Refugiada Avatar de Belune
    Fecha de Ingreso
    12 may, 12

    Re: Tides of War Lore MoP (massive spoilers)

    Cita Iniciado por Alokos Ver Mensaje
    darle importancia al lore, en el año 2012
    Jum...canto truco: "Restarle importancia a un juego, al cual se juega."

  9. #9

    Re: Tides of War Lore MoP (massive spoilers)

    Cita Iniciado por Bone1988 Ver Mensaje
    Io juego waaaarcraf i tengo un warror elfo de sangre, aguantiiiiiiii blisssarduuu
    bien por vos blizzdrone

    Cita Iniciado por Belune Ver Mensaje
    Jum...canto truco: "Restarle importancia a un juego, al cual se juega."
    el lore dejo de ser relevante desde que termino la wotlk segun ustedes haters del ofi
    Cita Iniciado por Aless Ver Mensaje
    Son grandes mentes criminales, probablemente detras de la pc este Darin o Gaston Pauls pensando nuevas formas de engañar a los usuarios

  10. #10

    Re: Tides of War Lore MoP (massive spoilers)

    Cita Iniciado por Alokos Ver Mensaje
    bien por vos blizzdrone

    el lore dejo de ser relevante desde que termino la wotlk segun ustedes haters del ofi
    Tecnicamente dejo de ser relevante despues del war3 TFT.
    Draguen - lvl 80 orc shaman
    Drakima - lvl 80 orc hunter

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