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Tema: [Raid 10 Man] ICC Normal Mode

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Avatar de Arteok
    Fecha de Ingreso
    17 mar, 11

    [Raid 10 Man ICC] Normal Mode

    Cuando se abra arrancamos no desvirtuen.
    Última edición por Arteok; 21/09/2012 a las 19:53

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Avatar de Fearless
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08

    Re: [Raid 10 Man] ICC Normal Mode

    No desvirtuen esto. Solo reportes cuando se pueda testear.
    Tampoco pregunten cuando se abrirá pa test =P
    Fearless - Fearlight - Fearfury - Fearthunder - Fearbringer (H) // Fearfreezing - Fearwild (A)

  3. #3

    Re: [Raid 10 Man] ICC Normal Mode

    Consulta, ¿qué van a hacer con el buff Strength of Wrynn Hellscream's Warsong? Ahora mismo está en 10%, ayuda a testear, chinean exalted más rápido, etc.

    Strength of Wrynn is zone-wide raid buff granted to all Alliance players in Icecrown Citadel which increases health, healing done and damage done. The first level of Strength of Wrynn was activated on March 2, 2010 - 1 month after The Lich King became available.
    This buff was released at 5%, however it has increased in power over time.

    Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

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ID: 48278

  4. #4

    Re: [Raid 10 Man] ICC Normal Mode

    Lord Marrowgar

    Bone Storm (?)— Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of bone that lasts until canceled. 3 sec cast. Every two seconds, triggers AoE damage that drops off as you get farther away from the boss. Roughly 6k standing on top of him, 4k just inside his hitbox, 2k just outside, and 800 or so at around 30 yards. The boss charges 4 targets before ending the Bone Storm. 30 sec cooldown. El daño de la screenshot coincide más o menos con lo que indicaría la distancia. Me dicen que no pasa bien el daño melee.

    Bone Spike Graveyard (OK) — Hurls a massive bone spike which impales any enemies in the way. Deals 10% health per sec for 5 minutes or until killed. 3 sec cast. 39k hp. 10 sec cooldown. No revisé el daño, el resto anda.

    Coldflame (OK)— Summons a line of frost that hits enemies in the way. Instant. 8 yd line of effect. Deals 6000 Frost/sec for 3 seconds. Random target.

    Bone Slice Melee range (?)— Splits 200% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its nearest ally, replacing melee attack. used every second, but not during bone spike graveyard cast; prevents the targets from being targeted by Bone Spike Graveyard. If there is no one near Lord Marrowgar's target, that target takes the full damage of Bone Slice. Me dieron un report donde pegaba 17k.

    After 10 minutes, Marrowgar will Enrage, increasing his damage done by 500%, attack speed by 150% and makes him immune to taunt.

    Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

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ID: 48289

    Lady Deathwhisper

    Both Phases
    Death and Decay (OK) — 4500 Shadow damage inflicted every 1 sec to all targets in the affected area for 10 seconds. Instant. 8 yd radius. 6000 on Heroic

    Dominate Mind (no lo vi)50,000 yd range — Subdues the will of target enemy, causing them to become charmed for 20 sec, with their damage dealt increased by 200% and healing done increased by 500% during that time. Instant. Targets three players on 25-man heroic difficulty.

    Phase one only

    Animate Dead (OK)— Reanimates a Cult Adherent or a Cult Fanatic.

    Dark Empowerment 200 yd range — Empowers the Cult Adherent's spells, causing them to deal area damage and making them uninterruptable. 2 sec cast.

    Dark Transformation 200 yd range — Transforms one random Cult Fanatic into an undead behemoth, increasing damage dealt by 100%. 2.5 second cast.

    Mana Barrier (OK) — Envelops the caster in a powerful barrier that continually replenishes any lost health, at the expense of the caster's mana.

    Shadow Bolt (OK)— Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 11813 to 13187 Shadow damage. 100 yard range. 2 seconds cast.

    Phase two only

    Frostbolt (!) 40 yd range — Inflicts 50,700 to 53,300 Frost damage to an enemy and reduces its movement speed by 50% for 4 sec. 2 sec cast. Interruptable but unresistable on heroic difficulty. Ininterrumpible

    Frostbolt Volley (OK)— Inflicts 14400 to 17600 Frost damage to nearby enemies, reducing their movement speed for 4 sec.. Instant.

    Summon Vengeful Shade (no lo vi)— Calls an unattackable Vengeful Shade that chases a player for a short time, casting Vengeful Blast upon catching them.

    Touch of Insignificance 50,000 yd range — Reduces the target's threat generation by 20%. Instant. Stacks to five. Lasts 30 seconds.

    Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

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ID: 48290

    Deathbringer Saurfang

    Esta pelea anda bastante mal, el boss gana energía durante la pelea pero el resto de los buffs del Blood Power no son visibles (daño aumentado, tamaño aumentado); lo que sí note es que aumentaba el daño que recibía de Boiling Blood durante la pelea, aunque empezaba bajo. Castea el Mark of the Fallen Champion.

    Blood Link (MAL?)— Saurfang gains Blood Power from damage he inflicts with abilities and summoned creatures. Also increases his Energy by 1 each time Blood Link triggers.
    Blood Power — Saurfang grows 1% larger and deals 1% more damage for each point of Blood Power he has.

    Blood Nova — Blood explodes outward from a random enemy target, inflicting 10,000 Physical damage to nearby enemies.

    Boiling Blood (?)— Boils the blood of an enemy, inflicting 9,500 Physical damage every 3 seconds for 24 seconds. No sé si está bien el daño.

    Call Blood Beast (OK)— Saurfang calls forth 2 blood beasts every 40 seconds.

    Frenzy (OK)— Saurfang goes into a frenzy, increasing his attack speed by 30%.

    Mark of the Fallen Champion (OK?)— Causes Deathbringer Saurfang's melee attacks to splash to this target, inflicting 5,700 to 6,300 additional Physical damage. If the target dies while under this effect Saurfang is healed for 5% of his total health. Cannot be dispelled or removed by any means, including death.

    Rune of Blood — Saurfang leeches health when he performs melee attacks on targets marked with Rune of Blood. Leeches 5,100 to 6,900 health from an enemy target and heals Saurfang for 10 times that amount. Lasts for 20 seconds.

    Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

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ID: 48291Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

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ID: 48292Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

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ID: 48293

    Rotface y Festergut salieron en el primer try y estaba medio ocupado puteando como para sacar fotos, no puedo hacer un reporte detallado.

    Professor Putricide

    Primer bug grosero, adds inertes en Putricide. Otra raid me dijo que anduvo bien.

    Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

Nombre: WoWScrnShot_092412_002920.jpg
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ID: 48281Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

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ID: 48282

    Después completo el report, nos faltaron Sindragosa y el LK. Por lo general, anda muy bien.
    Última edición por Esteporg; 24/09/2012 a las 22:47

  5. #5

    Re: [Raid 10 Man] ICC Normal Mode

    Cita Iniciado por Esteporg Ver Mensaje

    Lady Deathwhisper

    Both Phases

    Dominate Mind (no lo vi)50,000 yd range — Subdues the will of target enemy, causing them to become charmed for 20 sec, with their damage dealt increased by 200% and healing done increased by 500% during that time. Instant. Targets three players on 25-man heroic difficulty.
    Esta bien que no la utilize, ya que esa habilidad solo la usa en 25 n y h nomas.

  6. #6

    Re: [Raid 10 Man] ICC Normal Mode

    Lord Marrowgar
    Bone Storm: Aca me plantee al lado y pegaba 600-700, se me hace un poco poco :s .
    Bone Slice: La hicimos con 2 tankes y reparte bien el daño pero no me avive de dejar un rato a 1 solo :( . Segun los tankes se curaban casi solos, la unica pequeña molestia de la pelea es el flame si cuelgan.

    Lady Deathwhisper

    Frostbolt: No se puede interrumpir.

    Deathbringer Saurfang

    Boiling Blood
    Pd: Este fue un poco decepcionante, tenia la imagen de una pelea estresante y tener a los healers en panico media pelea y termina siendo un paseo y encima de a 9 :s . Se me deben estar pasando un millon de cosas, pero lo unico q note fue Boiling Blood que no esta pegando los 9500 c/3seg que deberia. El RP lo cargaba bien con el daño melee y los adds, la marca tambien la uso y pegaba unos 6-7k por hit osea q me pa q va por ahi la mano.

    Para Festergut ya estaba en coma 4 babeando el teclado, en la semana seguimos.
    Kkfa - Paladin - Protection PVE/Holy PVE
    Kefka - DK - Unholy(Dps) PVE/Frost(Dps) PVE
    Kfka - Druida - Balance PVE/Restoration PVE/Feral (Cat) PVE
    Kffk - Warrior - Fury PVE/Protection PVE
    Kfk - Hunter - Marksmanship PVE/Survival PVE
    Kilarog - Paladin - Retribution PVE/Holy PVE
    Mildread - Rogue - Combat PVE/Assasination PVE
    Lyght - Shaman - Enhacement PVE/Restoration PVE
    Celty - Priest - Discipline PVE/Shadow PVE

  7. #7
    Senior Member Avatar de Humo
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    Tigre, Argentina

    Re: [Raid 10 Man] ICC Normal Mode

    Deathbringer Saurfang se cura muy poco y al parecer tambien pega poco.
    ta medio facilongo

  8. #8
    Senior Member Avatar de Markens
    Fecha de Ingreso
    15 oct, 09

    Re: [Raid 10 Man] ICC Normal Mode

    Les comento en un rato cómo nos fue. (Y mañana haré el report que corresponde, perdonen D: )

    Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

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ID: 48283

    PD: Gracias a Uzi, Djlean, Ellie, Naidenx, Lenneth, Pomfry, Chuwaska, Impurity, Aredain, Moordenar y Darkskull, que desde hace más de 11 horas están ayudando con el testeo de la raid en serio, a diferencia de tantos enfermos que abusaron de la buena onda de Rata de poner repu y resetear el trash sin usar el CD. Por mí pueden contagiarse todos de SIDA.
    Última edición por Markens; 24/09/2012 a las 03:31
    Death's Demise.

  9. #9
    Fecha de Ingreso
    07 dic, 08
    Black Vortex

    Re: [Raid 10 Man] ICC Normal Mode

    Esta abierta en su totalidad entonces ?

  10. #10
    Senior Member Avatar de Markens
    Fecha de Ingreso
    15 oct, 09

    Re: [Raid 10 Man] ICC Normal Mode

    Cita Iniciado por Kubo Ver Mensaje
    Esta abierta en su totalidad entonces ?
    Sí, menos Gunship Battle, que no está directamente.
    Death's Demise.

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