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Tema: El Thread Intrusos/Infama/Intratables/Etc de LoL

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  1. #1

    Re: El Thread Intrusos/Infama/Intratables/Etc de LoL

    Team Curse Adds Edward to Starting League of Legends Lineup - News - Team Curse

    Team Curse welcomes a new addition to their League of Legends team, former Gambit Gaming support player Edward. Former support player Rhux will move back to his a role as a substitute for the team, and will continue to play on Curse Academy. Edward arrives in North America to join his new teammates Saturday June 8th and will immediately begin practicing for Week 1 of the LCS which starts on June 12th.

  2. #2

    Re: El Thread Intrusos/Infama/Intratables/Etc de LoL

    No me gusta para nada edward con Crs. No veo que se lleve bien con Cop que es un adc pasivo.

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