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Tema: [EMU2] Test de kehni

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  1. #1
    El gato de Gwin Avatar de Kehnidael
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    La isla del sol

    [EMU2] Test de kehni

    Hola, tengo algo de tiempo para ayudar a testear un poco, voy a colaborar con lo que pueda

    Estoy tomando datos de wowhead, si hubiera algun desfasaje con nuestra version avisen si no hago cagadas..

    Cosas basicas que vi:

    1- Inkeeper: en su gran mayoria no hablan, no puedo guardar home, dificulta leveo.

    2- Puntos de vuelo: algunos no andan, voy a poner los npc-numbers del wow head asi como vaya encontrando

    3-Angel de resu: no hablan, no resu, es general

    4-Entrenador de jinetes: no hablan

    5- Entrenador de druid:


    Every 2 hours 30 minutes(se da cada 10 mins jajaja), the battle for Wintergrasp begins. The defending faction must successfully defend for 30 minutes to keep it, while the opposing team attacks with siege weapons. Destroying towers both grants damage buffs and shortens the battle's time by 10 minutes. Between battles, elementals spawn that players from the winning faction can easily farm for crystallized elements. Players can also fight the bosses inside Vault of Archavon which are very simple and drop a variety of tier and PvP loot.

    Players gain more honor based on the initial number of players they kill. Ranking up will also allow players to drive more elaborate siege vehicles: Siege Engines and Demolishers require the rank of First Lieutenant (10 kils).

    Players need to queue for Wintergrasp via the battlematers at major cities, or by entering the zone. You must be level 75+. In addition, players can only enter at a 1:1 ratio, preventing imbalanced battles on lopsided faction realms.

    Graficamente, estan superpuestas las estructuras de ambos bandos, y tiene errores con la interface, pero su funcionalidad parece aceptable, los talleres no andan, no tienen al npc que da los tankes, sigo testeando

    PD: voy agregando cosas y editando a medida que vaya testeando, espero que sirva-
    Última edición por Kehnidael; 10/09/2014 a las 22:48

  2. #2
    El gato de Gwin Avatar de Kehnidael
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    La isla del sol

    Re: [EMU2] Test de kehni


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