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Tema: [Warrior] Talents, Spells, Glyphs, etc.

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  1. #9

    Re: [Warrior] Talents, Spells, Glyphs, etc.

    Warrior Glyphs

    Prime Glyphs

    Glyph of Bladestorm
    Glyph of Bloodthirst

    Glyph of Devastate
    Glyph of Mortal Strike
    Glyph of Overpower
    Glyph of Raging Blow: Voy a ponerlo asi pero tengo mis dudas de que sean 5%, no quiero ponerme a pegar 1000 raging blows para testearlo (que de por si es molesto xq te tienen que procear enrages/usar los tuyos)
    Glyph of Revenge
    Glyph of Shield Slam
    Glyph of Slam

    Prime Glyph
    Glyph of Cleaving
    Glyph of Colossus smash
    Glyph of Death Wish
    Glyph of Heroic throw No funciona
    Glyph of Intercept
    Glyph of Intervene
    Glyph of Long charge
    Glyph of Piercing Howl
    Glyph of Rapid Charge
    Glyph of Resonating Power
    Glyph of Shield wall

    Glyph of Shockwave
    Glyph of Sunder Armor: aplica al target de al lado PERO tambien aplica 2 stacks a tu main target
    Glyph of Sweeping Strikes
    Glyph of Thunder Clap
    Glyph of Victory Rush

    Minor Glyph

    Glyph of Battle
    Glyph of Berserker Rage

    Glyph of Bloody healing
    Glyph of Command

    Glyph of Demoralizing Shout
    Glyph of Enduring Victory
    Glyph of Furious Sundering
    Glyph of Intimidating Shout No funciona
    Última edición por Ganshi; 08/08/2017 a las 00:48

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