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Tema: ¿Que anime o manga estan viendo?

  1. Border of Phantasm Avatar de GrimReaper
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 ene, 09
    Nowhere, Everywhwere

    Re: ¿Que anime o manga estan viendo?

    Ra mirate Nyaruko-san. Lo mejor esta temporada, y no lo digo solo poruqe son horrores lovecraftianos en forma de lolis, no señor, para nada

  2. Re: ¿Que anime o manga estan viendo?

    Cuando termine de emitirse. Menos Fate/Zero, no miro animes cuando están emitiendose. xD

  3. Strike Back ! Avatar de Ending
    Fecha de Ingreso
    15 jun, 06

    Re: ¿Que anime o manga estan viendo?

    Accel World Ra.

    Accel World.

  4. Re: ¿Que anime o manga estan viendo?

    Cita Iniciado por Ra. Ver Mensaje
    Che, pará pará!

    Mirai 18:
    Y acá no me pueden decir que busco errores siempre o joder, porque esto se va más allá de cualquier lógica!
    Tu viejo te caga el paracaídas y te abandona en una torre que se cae y ADEMÁS mata a tu vieja... Y lo perdonás con una charlita de 30min?? Porque te dijo: "Voy a volver a empezar"??? YA ESTÁ!?!?!?

    No me jodas! xD
    Por si no lo notaste el pibe es un boludo atomico y si... yo si soy el pibe mato a mi viejo no por venganza sino porque no merece vivir

    Cita Iniciado por Ra. Ver Mensaje
    No, es que en serio...
    Me banco que el pibe le ganó un combate a 4 tipos armados porque bueno, tenía el celular. Lo acepto. Lo tolero... Pero perdonar a tu viejo después de que te re cagó mal y mató a tu vieja!?!?!? PORQUE PIDIÓ PERDÓN!!?!??!

    Yo sé que defendés esta serie, Bizan. Y que busco varias cosas para joder -incoscientemente-, pero esto... Ya es cualquiera. xD Hasta lo de la moto tiene más sentido!
    Pero esta no te la discuto yo odie es parte. Sencillamente porque la serie tiraba otra cosa... Y si no tiene gollete mas allá de lo que puse en el spoiler. Está si que no te la critico, la de la moto tampoco pero la del papel esa si te la peleo.

    Cita Iniciado por Ra. Ver Mensaje
    Tengo pensado ver Guilty Crown cuando termine Mirai... Y ver que en las críticas, hasta los que la puntúan alta le ponen un 3 a la historia....................... Es preocupante. xD
    Yo entre las 2 me quedo lejos con Mirai Nikki, Guilty Crown me gustó pero... si tengo que elegir esta fácil para mi.

    Cita Iniciado por Ra. Ver Mensaje
    Cuando termine de emitirse. Menos Fate/Zero, no miro animes cuando están emitiendose. xD
    Is da Posta! XD
    Última edición por Bizantinolynx; 02/05/2012 a las 21:20
    Mal Actua, Mal le va.
    Sex is OverHyped

  5. Re: ¿Que anime o manga estan viendo?

    Cita Iniciado por GrimReaper Ver Mensaje
    Ra mirate Nyaruko-san. Lo mejor esta temporada, y no lo digo solo poruqe son horrores lovecraftianos en forma de lolis, no señor, para nada

  6. Re: ¿Que anime o manga estan viendo?

    Bizan, sí. Lo del pergamino es algo rebuscado, pero es que... xD

    Listo, terminé Mirai... Como la mayor parte la comenté a medida que veía los episodios, sólo tengo 3 cosas para acotar:

    1- Qué onda la pelea a lo dragon ball entre Murmur y 9th? No sé, fue re colgado.
    2- En serio? O sea, reset? No me jodas, el verso de otro mundo meteselo a otro! Están todos vivos, están todos felices... Hasta la mina que era una super terrorista ahora esta casa y con hijos que vuelan! Onda, para eso no metas la regla de que todos tienen que morir. No los mates y listo, hace que pierdan el juego destruyendo el celular... Es que es al re pedo sino.
    3- Esto es del final del manga más que el anime... En serio? "Yuno destruyo el tiempo-espacio con un martillo y estamos felices para siempre". Are you fucking kidding me? -_-

    Y para los que tengan ganas, alguien que se aburría mucho más que yo y le buscaba el pero a tooooodo puso una lista con los errores/incoherencias/cosas sacadas de la galera en todos los episodios (algunas cosas coinciden con las que dije xD)

    1. (ep.1) Yuno could outrun Yuki by WALKING towards him. Supposed she knows where he is going thanks to her diary but we never see him running in circles.
    2. (ep.1) Yuki’s plan to destroy the killer’s cell phone involved hitting it while frightening him. What kind of a plan was that? People are MORE unpredictable when they are scared. And what kind of a wimp killer was he, if a little girl would feign a charge towards him and he freezes? I hear the same scene in the manga makes more sense because Yuno was holding his hands or something; whatever, the whole thing was ridiculous. For all I care Yuki could throw the dart while the killer was calmly looking at the cell phone.
    3. (ep.1) Hey wait a second; how can a throwing dart impale a cell phone in the first place? Yuki is not Hercules; this could never have happened no matter what plan he used. Troll harder!
    4. (ep.2) Psycho bitch jumps out of a window and lands after a long fall in the yard without the slightest injury. She is not a world class athlete and her weight was further hindered by something hidden in her underwear (keep reading to find out).
    5. (ep.2) Where are the teachers when we see the frightened students? The director completely forgot about them.
    6. (ep.2) Psycho bitch wastes hours taunting Yuki to come out, instead of just blowing up the whole school right away. Better yet, her plan involved wasting several hours of planting bombs and randomly detonating them instead of just walking towards him and throwing a simple grenade down his pants. Even better than that, her plan involved to be standing in the middle of the schoolyard where she is a sitting duck. Even-even better than that, her plan was to kill the Cop by standing in the middle of the schoolyard completely unarmed.
    7. (ep.2) Yuki has a +23 bonus at ranged attacks with darts (as proven in the pilot episode) but instead of just throwing one towards psycho bitch, he runs towards her to stab her with the dart. That makes sense NOT since he could do it from a hundred feet away.
    8. (ep.2) He also decided to hit her in the eye and not on the cell phone in order for the school not blow up by her death. This makes sense NOT again since it is very easy to kill someone if you poke something sharp deep in her goddamn eye.
    9. (ep.2) Psycho bitch escapes by lifting her skirt and throwing a dozen smoke missiles hiding in her panties towards her opponents. What a silly method; if she had stinger missiles there, they would all be dead. Why is that such a strange thing to do if she had the means to build and install a million bombs? Oh wait, the strange thing is how she stuffed bombs in her panties… Maybe she is a Puella Magi…
    10. (ep.2) She also pulls a motorcycle out of her pocket as a getaway vehicle. Why a motorcycle and not a huge mecha? She could kill them all with it instead of running away. Oh wait, the question is how she pulled out a motorcycle from her pocket. This actually has an explanation right here -> Sport Billy Opening Titles (English version) - YouTube
    What is that you said? She couldn’t afford it? The bike was hidden somewhere near by? Oh come on, she had enough resources to build a thousand invisible bombs, a remote control detonator that even triggers by her death, and compact smoke bombs and motorcycles to the point they fit in her underwear. Also, she was clearly in the middle of the yard with no bike in sight. Of course and she could and of course and it was not hidden somewhere near by.
    11. (ep.3) So, a terrorist killed half their schoolmates, blew up half their school, and almost killed all of them. What is the next logical thing to do? Why, to have fun in an amusement park! No panicked parents, no news media going wild, no tears at the funerals. JUST GO HAVE FUN LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED! Oh, and offer lots of retarded fan service while you are at it.
    12. (ep.3) Oh but wait, this was supposed to be an elaborate trap to lure in Psycho bitch. Yeah, she was supposed to try to kill them again in the park and there would be lots of police officers around to capture her in time. LOLWUT? She has a diary that warns her of any possible trap you idiots! How can she possibly fall for a trap she already knows is a trap? Troll harder!
    13. (ep.4) Miko Slut says she has bad eye sight and for that she chooses to spend her whole life in a room instead of WEARING GLASSES!
    14. (ep.4) Religious people have an I.Q. of a lizard. They can be brainwashed to do anything you like, including mass orgies and kill each other like it doesn’t matter. And in case you’d think they will come to their senses after the hypnosis is over, don’t bet on it. They just wonder why did they just kill their friends and family and walk calmly outside to go eat a snack or something. It’s not like they did something bad, since they are religious people. Seriously, they couldn’t be depicted any worse than that.
    15. (ep.4) Miko Slut magically escapes a burning room, without the tiniest burn. Even after she was showered with gasoline. Plot armor ftl.
    16. (ep.4) Apparently people do not die when they are killed because they can be brainwashed to pretend they are dead, even after they have been butchered to pieces. And nobody could tell they are dead or at least remove their corpses from the room because they are DEAD. Instead, they leave the room and go outside, where they are again brainwashed.
    17. (ep.4) Psycho Power Ranger claims that he is fighting for justice. For that reason he saves Psycho Bitch, a person who killed hundreds of innocent people. That makes no sense.
    18. (ep.4) Say, why did Psycho Power Ranger save her anyway? Isn’t he supposed to kill her in order to win the game? Why does he even keep her in a cage half-naked? Afterwards he just gives her the keys to escape and leaves.
    19. (ep.5) Psycho Power Ranger claims he is blind. Other than that, we clearly see that he moves around without any problem and even looks and points out at people and objects. Troll!
    20. (ep.5) Psycho Power Ranger learns from his diary that he is going to die in a few minutes. Instead of being more cautious in order to change the outcome (exactly what every other player is doing all the time) he decides that the best action to take in order to save the world from evil is to go kamikaze and die on his own. Stupid!
    21. (ep.5) Psycho Power Ranger uses four fakes as a diversion but after he is defeated, they magically disappear from the screen. And no, they were not kagebushin but actual people. The director completely forgot about them.
    22. (ep.5) Say, why didn’t Psycho Power Ranger use any of those fakes to be the kamikaze? Better yet, why didn’t he send ONLY fakes which would all be kamikaze and bluff only one is the real and with the bomb? This way he could easily save his life and kill his enemies.
    23. (ep.5) So how can a man make a future recording of himself, mentioning how he dies AFTER he is already dead? Troll!
    24. (ep.5) The idiotic scriptwriter killed an important character without explaining anything about him. Like, how he uses hypnosis, or why he is blind, or why he doesn’t act like he is blind at all!
    25. (ep.5) Miko Slut decides that the best way to defeat the protagonist is to open up her huge diary in front of him and not to order any of her lizard-brained followers to shield her by standing in the way. So imagine a situation where she feels obligated to look at what the protagonist will do next in her diary instead of just looking at him, even when he is surrounded by fanatics and she is a sitting duck.
    26. (ep.5) Miko Slut loses when 50 people stare like cows at a toy ball. What are the odds of that?
    27. (ep.5) By the way, that ball was a very important object for her and for some impossible reason they never managed to find it after it got lost in their own house. Yet the wimp protagonist finds it by complete chance and magically knows how important it is. Troll!
    28. (ep.5) Man, those diaries are really fragile. It is one thing to impale a cell phone with a dart (which will definitely destroy it) and a whole other to impale a scroll with a dart (which will only leave a tiny hole). Why does a tiny hole count as a destroyed diary?
    29. (ep.6) For some impossible to imagine reason, the next day everybody knows about the cult incident but nobody heard of the school incident. Not even Yuki’s mother.
    30. (ep.6) Isn’t it funny how they all know what will happen in the future and a little kid can still trick them?
    31. (ep.7) So how did Psycho Kid found and created all those poison traps? How did it acquire protective gear and the knowledge to use them properly from the age of five? Ok, it is supposed to be very smart but HOW did he do all that? Even if you know how to build a hydrogen bomb, you still need to have the materials, the facilities, and the experience to build it. HOW DID THIS KID CREATE ALL THAT?
    32. (ep.7) Where did the mailman disappear to a second after he delivered the envelope? The director completely forgot about him.
    33. (ep.7) Weird thing for a tiny poison bomb coming out of an envelope to gas a huge house and retain its power even after several hours and a few broken windows to further thin it.
    34. (ep.7) So even if we assume Psycho Kid is super smart and has access to CERN facilities in order to create all those poison traps, how did it manage to carry an unconscious adult woman outside the house in a few minutes? Is it super powerful besides being super smart?
    35. (ep.7) So how can a kid draw a future picture of itself dying, AFTER it is already dead? Troll!
    36. (ep.7) Psycho Bitch arrives and saves their lives. WHAT FOR? She wants to kill them in order to win the game. Plus, Yuki stabbed her in the eye for Pete’s sake! She had nothing against them before and was feeling perfectly fine like killing them. She even admits Yuno is very dangerous and yet saves her too! Trololol!
    37. (ep.8) Yuki and Yuno go to school, where everybody acts like there never was a terrorist attack. Or like those two were never involved in anything weird so far. Why were they accepted back to school with all the things they did, why aren’t they in a police station for further questioning, and why doesn’t anyone ever heard of them when every new student is always followed by gossip?
    38. (ep.8) Some weird ambush with dogs happens, only to be revealed that it was all an entrapment by another diary-user. Well that was a complete waste of time since all it took was to simply distract Yuki for a few seconds and take his cell phone. Which is exactly what they did in the end. Who needed a dozen dogs, a corpse, and an elaborate plan of pretending to run and fend off enemy attacks for hours if they were trusted friends? JUST GRAB AND BREAK HIS DAMN CELL PHONE WHILE THE DUMBASS TRUSTS YOU!
    39. (ep.8) Isn’t it funny how they all know what will happen in the future and they still act all surprised when something happens?
    40. (ep.9) The Dog Otaku’s diary entries are basically anything his dogs see. Thus if a dog is not around to see something, there is no entry. Yet in the end of the episode the Cop appears right behind him and there is an entry about him in the diary WITHOUT ANY DOGS AROUND TO SEE IT!
    41. (ep.9) So if the Dog Otaku’s diary is practically written only in the third person (through whatever his dogs do) then how is the last entry about him dying in the first person? Or how can he have made a future entry of him dying AFTER he is already dead? Troll!
    42. (ep.10) Oh come on, Serial Killer was definitely not that powerful in the first episode.
    43. (ep.11) Where is the Dog Otaku’s daughter and her friends to testify that it wasn’t our protagonists who did the murder? The director forgot about them.
    44. (ep.12) Just how hard is it for 5 elite police officers armed to the teeth and wearing Kevlar armours to notice a little defenceless girl running towards them with a hand pistol before shooting her down? After all, they were warned she had killed several people and had no reason not to shoot on sight. Yet look at that; five shots, five deaths, and they barely saw her coming. Elite indeed.
    45. (ep.12) Jeez mr. Phycho Cop, what was your plan again? To wait all those episodes just to frame the protagonist and then just talk and use him as a human shield instead of shooting him on sight? And for the love of God, did you free Psycho Bitch just so she will take care of your son if something happens to you? DID YOU JUST ENTRUSTED THE LIFE OF YOUR SON TO A MURDEROUS BITCH? You really had absolutely nobody else to ask to take care of him in the whole world but HER, someone who laughs while blowing up innocent little children??? Nice fail you idiot.
    46. (ep.13) So the father of that girl just got killed and instead of seeing her all sad, dressed in black, going to a funeral, or at lest testifying as a witness that Yuki is wrongfully accused, all she does is going to have fun in a resort, where she gets naked in the spa, photographed and molested by her lesbian friend. Her grieving is indeed very deep and meaningful.
    47. (ep.13) Kaworu-wannabe is plotting to find Yuki, who by now has escaped to some isolated area. For that reason he tricks the other students into going on a trip with him, and then asks them to help in the search. Because apparently asking them to help in the search without fooling them first is unthinkable, or they wouldn’t feel betrayed enough to just say no. Or it would be too much to just ask ACTUAL police officers to help him find Yuki instead of a bunch of ignorant kids.
    48. (ep.13) So Kaworu-wannabe uses this elaborate deduction method to find Yuki. So elaborate that is just “find a building with electricity and water”. Shouldn’t it be something along the lines of “see if he has any relatives in the area” first? He also knows right away that Yuno is expecting them, sets up various traps all over the place, sends them fake mails, and still falls for the most obvious scam. I mean, even an idiot wouldn’t fall for that.
    49. (ep.14) So let me get this right. Yuno killed her parents one year ago, who were rich and important to several companies, and nobody even cared all this time to pay them a visit at home, make a call, tell the police something weird is going on and so on? YEEEAAAHHH!
    50. (ep.15) So Yuki returns to his home like nothing so far matters. The police don’t care at all about the numerous deaths he caused and not even his mother cares to ask why she was clubbed unconscious and her house was turned to a death trap.
    51. (ep.15) The Idiotic Lovers beat the crap out of our heroes and then leave. WHY DON’T THEY JUST KILL THEM?
    52. (ep.16) The Idiotic Lovers make an elaborate plan to trick Yuki’s father into breaking the cell phone. Why the devil did they have to go to all this trouble when they could have easily done it themselves in the previous episode?
    53. (ep.17) Oh what a surprise, they are now losing to Yuno because they didn’t kill her all this time. Still acting all surprised, as if this would never happen.
    54. (ep.17) Nice guy you married there Yuki’s mother. You are so stupid, you deserved it.
    55. (ep.18) The police finally has Yuno in for questioning, knows of all the horrible murders she committed, and all they say is “It’s ok, you can go.” Troll!
    56. (ep.18) So Yuki is left without parents. What does the police or the state does in general for a parentless child? Nothing; they just let him go home to live on his own. Troll!
    57. (ep.18) So what does Yuki do after the murderer of his own mother returns home? He hears him saying he is very sorry and that they will make up if they go see the stars together. And he agrees. Troll!
    58. (ep.19) They try to make us think Yuki has grown balls in this episode. Yeah, and then Yuno takes her blouse off and he is covering his eyes, ready to cry.
    59. (ep.19) If they can read the future, why didn’t the Eight’s followers foresee Yuki’s treason? Troll!
    60. (ep.19) The car’s bodyguards mysteriously disappear after a few seconds. The director forgot them completely (aside from making them run like they are sliding puppets).
    61. (ep.19) Yuki has the other two diary owners in his lap but doesn’t just kill them where they stand and instead waits patiently for them to start explaining stuff for half an hour, after of which he turns to a wimp once again. So much for growing balls.
    62. (ep.19) How the hell did Kaworu-wannabe and Psycho Bitch know where to find Yuki and Yuno? Why are they explaining stuff in the middle of a showdown? Why do they even say all that stuff? Wasn’t the retard detective boy on their side? Why is he now working against them?
    63. (ep.20) Nazi Mayor shoots through the glass and misses. On the very next scene, the glass is fine, he has escaped, and everyone is back home like nothing much happened. Nice continuity there you idiots. What happened to Yuki and Yuno and how did they just walk away from there?
    64. (ep.20) Did anyone understand Nazi Mayor’s line of thought here? Why did he have Deus create the game instead of just asking him to make him his successor? He is clearly the smartest and best for the job.
    65. (ep.20) Why does Psycho Bitch care so much to stop Nazi Mayor from making everyone a diary owner apprentice? It’s not like something bad will happen to her. Very out-of-character, but then again it's not the first time she did that. Remember the eye poke event? She is aiding Yuki when she is clearly trying to kill him and become a goddess.
    66. (ep.20) Speaking of out-of-character, when did that cop fell so madly in love with Psycho Bitch? Or better yet, why? She is responsible for the death of hundreds of innocents, including his own colleagues. But screw all that, he just betrays everyone and kills his own friends because he wants to impregnate her. Yeah, that makes sense…
    67. (ep.20) The cop throws the grenade while he is inside the building and surrounded by dozens of guards. When the grenade explodes one second later, he is looking at the explosion from 10 miles away and nobody is chasing him. Nice teleportation powers... Hey wait, he doesn't have any powers at all.
    68. (ep.20) Nazi Mayor’s plan works after all and now many people can also predict the future. Did that have any significant effect on the story? Absolutely none. In fact, they all use this power as casually as going to buy some groceries. And nobody else in the populace seems to care about hundreds of people suddenly predicting the future. Only the main characters care a bit and simply want to stop Nazi Mayor from using this power. Why? I have no idea. It’s not like he did something bad.
    69. (ep.20) Yuki’s friends decide to become decoy so Psycho Bitch can do her thing. Why? I have no f-ing idea; they risked their lives several times already for no reason at all. Even if they wanted to help Yuki before because they are his friends (after they tried to kill him and caused the death of their father as well as almost being sliced to death of course), but now they are aiding a murderous terrorist and a horny traitor cop.
    70. (ep.21) Worst security ever. All the guards are standing still as Yuno butchers them. And it’s not like she is faster than light or something. The only person who manages to block her attacks is Kaworu-wannabe. Yeah, elite security guards with guns can’t ever raise their hands and a little kid can block powerful sword slashes that cut people in half with a wooden stick.
    71. (ep.21) Nazi Mayor could predict any move the others are doing yet couldn’t foresee Yuno managing to open the safe. Troll!
    72. (ep.21) So, a bunch of kids manage to kill fifty people, assassin the mayor of the city, and cause numerous explosions in the city’s greatest building. After that, they just return home and have some cookies, without absolutely anyone trying to stop them or look for them. In fact it’s like nothing ever happened.
    73. (ep.21) Suddenly, the world starts being destroyed. And instead of seeing horrified people running around, we just see some random buildings with a few holes in them. Woah, such a scary apocalypse! You can just feel the terror coming towards you… not. There isn’t a single person besides the main and secondary characters on screen.
    74. (ep.21) And out of nowhere, everybody magically teleports outside the house and stare at the city. This is not what they were doing a few seconds ago.
    75. (ep.22) Some useful info the scriptwriter didn’t know. Protective vests don’t stop knife attacks without some haemorrhage and rubber gloves don’t stop electricity without melting from the heat. In a normal show Kaworu-wannabe shouldn’t be able to block those attacks.
    76. (ep.22) Yeah people, get in a convenient line so Yuki can kill you all one at a time. And don’t attempt to grab his gun while standing next to him; just grab his shirt.
    77. (ep.23) First Yuno wants to bang Yuki, now she wants to kill him. Troll!
    78. (ep.23) Where did she hide that axe on a floor mattress without getting in the way all this time? Damn Yuki, how dense are you?
    79. (ep.23) Once again Murmur is used to explain all the backdrop story through a forced way. Hey you stupid loli, did that wuss ask you to explain what is going on? Why do you even care to tell him? Just let them kill each other and take their place as god.
    80. (ep.23) And for Pete’s sake, what does all that time reset nonsense have to do with the story? They had absolutely no significance to the plot other than making it look even more retarded than it already is. Sorry dear scriptwriter, but Steins;Gate and Madoka did it in a lot cooler (but not any less dumb) way.
    81. (ep.24) If Yuno has divine powers, why doesn’t she use them when she goes back to the past? Instead she makes herself forget everything? WHAT FOR? She can use her powers to do anything she wants, INCLUDING kicking the ass out of Deus if she feels like it. Troll!
    82. (ep.24) Once again we have no bloody idea why is Phycho Bitch aiding Yuki and even doing GOD’S WILL, something she despised all her life. That is the fourth time they rewrite her personality and it’s not even funny anymore.
    83. (ep.24) A time reset… again. Seriously, I am not surprised at all with this. Anime with wishes and divine powers always turn to this as a cheap way out and it became lame years ago.
    84. (ep.25) Hey look at all the awesome fighting shounen action! Too bad it has absolutely nothing to do with the theme of the story. This was supposed to be about tactics and mystery, remember? All that fuss was there just to kill time with a useless duel between secondary characters. And guess what, Yuki is STILL a pussy despite all the numerous times he claimed he would change and save people. Look at him running and crying! Pathetic! Anyways, this was practically a filler episode.
    85. (ep.26) Meh, a most cop-out finale. Everything is like it never happens and everybody is alive and happy. Yawn! Thanks for a most shitty ending to a most shitty show.

    Y ahora empezaré Guilty Crown, a ver que onda. Preparense seguramente para otra oleada de quejas. (?)

  7. Strike Back ! Avatar de Ending
    Fecha de Ingreso
    15 jun, 06

    Re: ¿Que anime o manga estan viendo?

    Y... los primeros caps son una verga, Shu despues se pone.

  8. Re: ¿Que anime o manga estan viendo?

    El primero de GC me gustó, no me encantó porque es bastante clicheada esa onda, pero me gustó. Lástima que después cagarán la serie. Tantas críticas negativas son por algo. xD

    Che, lo de sacar algo del pecho de la mina... Me re suena de otro anime, pero no me acuerdo cuál. Mai Hime tenía una onda muy similar cuando invocaban a los "bichos"... Pero eso concreto de agarrarla así y sacarle algo del pecho me suena mucho de otro anime, el cual no puedo recordar y me está jodiendo. xD

  9. Strike Back ! Avatar de Ending
    Fecha de Ingreso
    15 jun, 06

    Re: ¿Que anime o manga estan viendo?

    Mai Hime creo que no.. Shizuru creo que no, Natsuki no, Mai no, la negra no, la araña no, y las demas (si habia) no las recuerdo.

    Ni idea la verdad.

  10. Re: ¿Que anime o manga estan viendo?

    Cita Iniciado por Ra. Ver Mensaje
    Bizan, sí. Lo del pergamino es algo rebuscado, pero es que... xD

    Listo, terminé Mirai... Como la mayor parte la comenté a medida que veía los episodios, sólo tengo 3 cosas para acotar:

    1- Qué onda la pelea a lo dragon ball entre Murmur y 9th? No sé, fue re colgado.
    2- En serio? O sea, reset? No me jodas, el verso de otro mundo meteselo a otro! Están todos vivos, están todos felices... Hasta la mina que era una super terrorista ahora esta casa y con hijos que vuelan! Onda, para eso no metas la regla de que todos tienen que morir. No los mates y listo, hace que pierdan el juego destruyendo el celular... Es que es al re pedo sino.
    3- Esto es del final del manga más que el anime... En serio? "Yuno destruyo el tiempo-espacio con un martillo y estamos felices para siempre". Are you fucking kidding me? -_-

    Y para los que tengan ganas, alguien que se aburría mucho más que yo y le buscaba el pero a tooooodo puso una lista con los errores/incoherencias/cosas sacadas de la galera en todos los episodios (algunas cosas coinciden con las que dije xD)

    1. (ep.1) Yuno could outrun Yuki by WALKING towards him. Supposed she knows where he is going thanks to her diary but we never see him running in circles.
    2. (ep.1) Yuki’s plan to destroy the killer’s cell phone involved hitting it while frightening him. What kind of a plan was that? People are MORE unpredictable when they are scared. And what kind of a wimp killer was he, if a little girl would feign a charge towards him and he freezes? I hear the same scene in the manga makes more sense because Yuno was holding his hands or something; whatever, the whole thing was ridiculous. For all I care Yuki could throw the dart while the killer was calmly looking at the cell phone.
    3. (ep.1) Hey wait a second; how can a throwing dart impale a cell phone in the first place? Yuki is not Hercules; this could never have happened no matter what plan he used. Troll harder!
    4. (ep.2) Psycho bitch jumps out of a window and lands after a long fall in the yard without the slightest injury. She is not a world class athlete and her weight was further hindered by something hidden in her underwear (keep reading to find out).
    5. (ep.2) Where are the teachers when we see the frightened students? The director completely forgot about them.
    6. (ep.2) Psycho bitch wastes hours taunting Yuki to come out, instead of just blowing up the whole school right away. Better yet, her plan involved wasting several hours of planting bombs and randomly detonating them instead of just walking towards him and throwing a simple grenade down his pants. Even better than that, her plan involved to be standing in the middle of the schoolyard where she is a sitting duck. Even-even better than that, her plan was to kill the Cop by standing in the middle of the schoolyard completely unarmed.
    7. (ep.2) Yuki has a +23 bonus at ranged attacks with darts (as proven in the pilot episode) but instead of just throwing one towards psycho bitch, he runs towards her to stab her with the dart. That makes sense NOT since he could do it from a hundred feet away.
    8. (ep.2) He also decided to hit her in the eye and not on the cell phone in order for the school not blow up by her death. This makes sense NOT again since it is very easy to kill someone if you poke something sharp deep in her goddamn eye.
    9. (ep.2) Psycho bitch escapes by lifting her skirt and throwing a dozen smoke missiles hiding in her panties towards her opponents. What a silly method; if she had stinger missiles there, they would all be dead. Why is that such a strange thing to do if she had the means to build and install a million bombs? Oh wait, the strange thing is how she stuffed bombs in her panties… Maybe she is a Puella Magi…
    10. (ep.2) She also pulls a motorcycle out of her pocket as a getaway vehicle. Why a motorcycle and not a huge mecha? She could kill them all with it instead of running away. Oh wait, the question is how she pulled out a motorcycle from her pocket. This actually has an explanation right here -> Sport Billy Opening Titles (English version) - YouTube
    What is that you said? She couldn’t afford it? The bike was hidden somewhere near by? Oh come on, she had enough resources to build a thousand invisible bombs, a remote control detonator that even triggers by her death, and compact smoke bombs and motorcycles to the point they fit in her underwear. Also, she was clearly in the middle of the yard with no bike in sight. Of course and she could and of course and it was not hidden somewhere near by.
    11. (ep.3) So, a terrorist killed half their schoolmates, blew up half their school, and almost killed all of them. What is the next logical thing to do? Why, to have fun in an amusement park! No panicked parents, no news media going wild, no tears at the funerals. JUST GO HAVE FUN LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED! Oh, and offer lots of retarded fan service while you are at it.
    12. (ep.3) Oh but wait, this was supposed to be an elaborate trap to lure in Psycho bitch. Yeah, she was supposed to try to kill them again in the park and there would be lots of police officers around to capture her in time. LOLWUT? She has a diary that warns her of any possible trap you idiots! How can she possibly fall for a trap she already knows is a trap? Troll harder!
    13. (ep.4) Miko Slut says she has bad eye sight and for that she chooses to spend her whole life in a room instead of WEARING GLASSES!
    14. (ep.4) Religious people have an I.Q. of a lizard. They can be brainwashed to do anything you like, including mass orgies and kill each other like it doesn’t matter. And in case you’d think they will come to their senses after the hypnosis is over, don’t bet on it. They just wonder why did they just kill their friends and family and walk calmly outside to go eat a snack or something. It’s not like they did something bad, since they are religious people. Seriously, they couldn’t be depicted any worse than that.
    15. (ep.4) Miko Slut magically escapes a burning room, without the tiniest burn. Even after she was showered with gasoline. Plot armor ftl.
    16. (ep.4) Apparently people do not die when they are killed because they can be brainwashed to pretend they are dead, even after they have been butchered to pieces. And nobody could tell they are dead or at least remove their corpses from the room because they are DEAD. Instead, they leave the room and go outside, where they are again brainwashed.
    17. (ep.4) Psycho Power Ranger claims that he is fighting for justice. For that reason he saves Psycho Bitch, a person who killed hundreds of innocent people. That makes no sense.
    18. (ep.4) Say, why did Psycho Power Ranger save her anyway? Isn’t he supposed to kill her in order to win the game? Why does he even keep her in a cage half-naked? Afterwards he just gives her the keys to escape and leaves.
    19. (ep.5) Psycho Power Ranger claims he is blind. Other than that, we clearly see that he moves around without any problem and even looks and points out at people and objects. Troll!
    20. (ep.5) Psycho Power Ranger learns from his diary that he is going to die in a few minutes. Instead of being more cautious in order to change the outcome (exactly what every other player is doing all the time) he decides that the best action to take in order to save the world from evil is to go kamikaze and die on his own. Stupid!
    21. (ep.5) Psycho Power Ranger uses four fakes as a diversion but after he is defeated, they magically disappear from the screen. And no, they were not kagebushin but actual people. The director completely forgot about them.
    22. (ep.5) Say, why didn’t Psycho Power Ranger use any of those fakes to be the kamikaze? Better yet, why didn’t he send ONLY fakes which would all be kamikaze and bluff only one is the real and with the bomb? This way he could easily save his life and kill his enemies.
    23. (ep.5) So how can a man make a future recording of himself, mentioning how he dies AFTER he is already dead? Troll!
    24. (ep.5) The idiotic scriptwriter killed an important character without explaining anything about him. Like, how he uses hypnosis, or why he is blind, or why he doesn’t act like he is blind at all!
    25. (ep.5) Miko Slut decides that the best way to defeat the protagonist is to open up her huge diary in front of him and not to order any of her lizard-brained followers to shield her by standing in the way. So imagine a situation where she feels obligated to look at what the protagonist will do next in her diary instead of just looking at him, even when he is surrounded by fanatics and she is a sitting duck.
    26. (ep.5) Miko Slut loses when 50 people stare like cows at a toy ball. What are the odds of that?
    27. (ep.5) By the way, that ball was a very important object for her and for some impossible reason they never managed to find it after it got lost in their own house. Yet the wimp protagonist finds it by complete chance and magically knows how important it is. Troll!
    28. (ep.5) Man, those diaries are really fragile. It is one thing to impale a cell phone with a dart (which will definitely destroy it) and a whole other to impale a scroll with a dart (which will only leave a tiny hole). Why does a tiny hole count as a destroyed diary?
    29. (ep.6) For some impossible to imagine reason, the next day everybody knows about the cult incident but nobody heard of the school incident. Not even Yuki’s mother.
    30. (ep.6) Isn’t it funny how they all know what will happen in the future and a little kid can still trick them?
    31. (ep.7) So how did Psycho Kid found and created all those poison traps? How did it acquire protective gear and the knowledge to use them properly from the age of five? Ok, it is supposed to be very smart but HOW did he do all that? Even if you know how to build a hydrogen bomb, you still need to have the materials, the facilities, and the experience to build it. HOW DID THIS KID CREATE ALL THAT?
    32. (ep.7) Where did the mailman disappear to a second after he delivered the envelope? The director completely forgot about him.
    33. (ep.7) Weird thing for a tiny poison bomb coming out of an envelope to gas a huge house and retain its power even after several hours and a few broken windows to further thin it.
    34. (ep.7) So even if we assume Psycho Kid is super smart and has access to CERN facilities in order to create all those poison traps, how did it manage to carry an unconscious adult woman outside the house in a few minutes? Is it super powerful besides being super smart?
    35. (ep.7) So how can a kid draw a future picture of itself dying, AFTER it is already dead? Troll!
    36. (ep.7) Psycho Bitch arrives and saves their lives. WHAT FOR? She wants to kill them in order to win the game. Plus, Yuki stabbed her in the eye for Pete’s sake! She had nothing against them before and was feeling perfectly fine like killing them. She even admits Yuno is very dangerous and yet saves her too! Trololol!
    37. (ep.8) Yuki and Yuno go to school, where everybody acts like there never was a terrorist attack. Or like those two were never involved in anything weird so far. Why were they accepted back to school with all the things they did, why aren’t they in a police station for further questioning, and why doesn’t anyone ever heard of them when every new student is always followed by gossip?
    38. (ep.8) Some weird ambush with dogs happens, only to be revealed that it was all an entrapment by another diary-user. Well that was a complete waste of time since all it took was to simply distract Yuki for a few seconds and take his cell phone. Which is exactly what they did in the end. Who needed a dozen dogs, a corpse, and an elaborate plan of pretending to run and fend off enemy attacks for hours if they were trusted friends? JUST GRAB AND BREAK HIS DAMN CELL PHONE WHILE THE DUMBASS TRUSTS YOU!
    39. (ep.8) Isn’t it funny how they all know what will happen in the future and they still act all surprised when something happens?
    40. (ep.9) The Dog Otaku’s diary entries are basically anything his dogs see. Thus if a dog is not around to see something, there is no entry. Yet in the end of the episode the Cop appears right behind him and there is an entry about him in the diary WITHOUT ANY DOGS AROUND TO SEE IT!
    41. (ep.9) So if the Dog Otaku’s diary is practically written only in the third person (through whatever his dogs do) then how is the last entry about him dying in the first person? Or how can he have made a future entry of him dying AFTER he is already dead? Troll!
    42. (ep.10) Oh come on, Serial Killer was definitely not that powerful in the first episode.
    43. (ep.11) Where is the Dog Otaku’s daughter and her friends to testify that it wasn’t our protagonists who did the murder? The director forgot about them.
    44. (ep.12) Just how hard is it for 5 elite police officers armed to the teeth and wearing Kevlar armours to notice a little defenceless girl running towards them with a hand pistol before shooting her down? After all, they were warned she had killed several people and had no reason not to shoot on sight. Yet look at that; five shots, five deaths, and they barely saw her coming. Elite indeed.
    45. (ep.12) Jeez mr. Phycho Cop, what was your plan again? To wait all those episodes just to frame the protagonist and then just talk and use him as a human shield instead of shooting him on sight? And for the love of God, did you free Psycho Bitch just so she will take care of your son if something happens to you? DID YOU JUST ENTRUSTED THE LIFE OF YOUR SON TO A MURDEROUS BITCH? You really had absolutely nobody else to ask to take care of him in the whole world but HER, someone who laughs while blowing up innocent little children??? Nice fail you idiot.
    46. (ep.13) So the father of that girl just got killed and instead of seeing her all sad, dressed in black, going to a funeral, or at lest testifying as a witness that Yuki is wrongfully accused, all she does is going to have fun in a resort, where she gets naked in the spa, photographed and molested by her lesbian friend. Her grieving is indeed very deep and meaningful.
    47. (ep.13) Kaworu-wannabe is plotting to find Yuki, who by now has escaped to some isolated area. For that reason he tricks the other students into going on a trip with him, and then asks them to help in the search. Because apparently asking them to help in the search without fooling them first is unthinkable, or they wouldn’t feel betrayed enough to just say no. Or it would be too much to just ask ACTUAL police officers to help him find Yuki instead of a bunch of ignorant kids.
    48. (ep.13) So Kaworu-wannabe uses this elaborate deduction method to find Yuki. So elaborate that is just “find a building with electricity and water”. Shouldn’t it be something along the lines of “see if he has any relatives in the area” first? He also knows right away that Yuno is expecting them, sets up various traps all over the place, sends them fake mails, and still falls for the most obvious scam. I mean, even an idiot wouldn’t fall for that.
    49. (ep.14) So let me get this right. Yuno killed her parents one year ago, who were rich and important to several companies, and nobody even cared all this time to pay them a visit at home, make a call, tell the police something weird is going on and so on? YEEEAAAHHH!
    50. (ep.15) So Yuki returns to his home like nothing so far matters. The police don’t care at all about the numerous deaths he caused and not even his mother cares to ask why she was clubbed unconscious and her house was turned to a death trap.
    51. (ep.15) The Idiotic Lovers beat the crap out of our heroes and then leave. WHY DON’T THEY JUST KILL THEM?
    52. (ep.16) The Idiotic Lovers make an elaborate plan to trick Yuki’s father into breaking the cell phone. Why the devil did they have to go to all this trouble when they could have easily done it themselves in the previous episode?
    53. (ep.17) Oh what a surprise, they are now losing to Yuno because they didn’t kill her all this time. Still acting all surprised, as if this would never happen.
    54. (ep.17) Nice guy you married there Yuki’s mother. You are so stupid, you deserved it.
    55. (ep.18) The police finally has Yuno in for questioning, knows of all the horrible murders she committed, and all they say is “It’s ok, you can go.” Troll!
    56. (ep.18) So Yuki is left without parents. What does the police or the state does in general for a parentless child? Nothing; they just let him go home to live on his own. Troll!
    57. (ep.18) So what does Yuki do after the murderer of his own mother returns home? He hears him saying he is very sorry and that they will make up if they go see the stars together. And he agrees. Troll!
    58. (ep.19) They try to make us think Yuki has grown balls in this episode. Yeah, and then Yuno takes her blouse off and he is covering his eyes, ready to cry.
    59. (ep.19) If they can read the future, why didn’t the Eight’s followers foresee Yuki’s treason? Troll!
    60. (ep.19) The car’s bodyguards mysteriously disappear after a few seconds. The director forgot them completely (aside from making them run like they are sliding puppets).
    61. (ep.19) Yuki has the other two diary owners in his lap but doesn’t just kill them where they stand and instead waits patiently for them to start explaining stuff for half an hour, after of which he turns to a wimp once again. So much for growing balls.
    62. (ep.19) How the hell did Kaworu-wannabe and Psycho Bitch know where to find Yuki and Yuno? Why are they explaining stuff in the middle of a showdown? Why do they even say all that stuff? Wasn’t the retard detective boy on their side? Why is he now working against them?
    63. (ep.20) Nazi Mayor shoots through the glass and misses. On the very next scene, the glass is fine, he has escaped, and everyone is back home like nothing much happened. Nice continuity there you idiots. What happened to Yuki and Yuno and how did they just walk away from there?
    64. (ep.20) Did anyone understand Nazi Mayor’s line of thought here? Why did he have Deus create the game instead of just asking him to make him his successor? He is clearly the smartest and best for the job.
    65. (ep.20) Why does Psycho Bitch care so much to stop Nazi Mayor from making everyone a diary owner apprentice? It’s not like something bad will happen to her. Very out-of-character, but then again it's not the first time she did that. Remember the eye poke event? She is aiding Yuki when she is clearly trying to kill him and become a goddess.
    66. (ep.20) Speaking of out-of-character, when did that cop fell so madly in love with Psycho Bitch? Or better yet, why? She is responsible for the death of hundreds of innocents, including his own colleagues. But screw all that, he just betrays everyone and kills his own friends because he wants to impregnate her. Yeah, that makes sense…
    67. (ep.20) The cop throws the grenade while he is inside the building and surrounded by dozens of guards. When the grenade explodes one second later, he is looking at the explosion from 10 miles away and nobody is chasing him. Nice teleportation powers... Hey wait, he doesn't have any powers at all.
    68. (ep.20) Nazi Mayor’s plan works after all and now many people can also predict the future. Did that have any significant effect on the story? Absolutely none. In fact, they all use this power as casually as going to buy some groceries. And nobody else in the populace seems to care about hundreds of people suddenly predicting the future. Only the main characters care a bit and simply want to stop Nazi Mayor from using this power. Why? I have no idea. It’s not like he did something bad.
    69. (ep.20) Yuki’s friends decide to become decoy so Psycho Bitch can do her thing. Why? I have no f-ing idea; they risked their lives several times already for no reason at all. Even if they wanted to help Yuki before because they are his friends (after they tried to kill him and caused the death of their father as well as almost being sliced to death of course), but now they are aiding a murderous terrorist and a horny traitor cop.
    70. (ep.21) Worst security ever. All the guards are standing still as Yuno butchers them. And it’s not like she is faster than light or something. The only person who manages to block her attacks is Kaworu-wannabe. Yeah, elite security guards with guns can’t ever raise their hands and a little kid can block powerful sword slashes that cut people in half with a wooden stick.
    71. (ep.21) Nazi Mayor could predict any move the others are doing yet couldn’t foresee Yuno managing to open the safe. Troll!
    72. (ep.21) So, a bunch of kids manage to kill fifty people, assassin the mayor of the city, and cause numerous explosions in the city’s greatest building. After that, they just return home and have some cookies, without absolutely anyone trying to stop them or look for them. In fact it’s like nothing ever happened.
    73. (ep.21) Suddenly, the world starts being destroyed. And instead of seeing horrified people running around, we just see some random buildings with a few holes in them. Woah, such a scary apocalypse! You can just feel the terror coming towards you… not. There isn’t a single person besides the main and secondary characters on screen.
    74. (ep.21) And out of nowhere, everybody magically teleports outside the house and stare at the city. This is not what they were doing a few seconds ago.
    75. (ep.22) Some useful info the scriptwriter didn’t know. Protective vests don’t stop knife attacks without some haemorrhage and rubber gloves don’t stop electricity without melting from the heat. In a normal show Kaworu-wannabe shouldn’t be able to block those attacks.
    76. (ep.22) Yeah people, get in a convenient line so Yuki can kill you all one at a time. And don’t attempt to grab his gun while standing next to him; just grab his shirt.
    77. (ep.23) First Yuno wants to bang Yuki, now she wants to kill him. Troll!
    78. (ep.23) Where did she hide that axe on a floor mattress without getting in the way all this time? Damn Yuki, how dense are you?
    79. (ep.23) Once again Murmur is used to explain all the backdrop story through a forced way. Hey you stupid loli, did that wuss ask you to explain what is going on? Why do you even care to tell him? Just let them kill each other and take their place as god.
    80. (ep.23) And for Pete’s sake, what does all that time reset nonsense have to do with the story? They had absolutely no significance to the plot other than making it look even more retarded than it already is. Sorry dear scriptwriter, but Steins;Gate and Madoka did it in a lot cooler (but not any less dumb) way.
    81. (ep.24) If Yuno has divine powers, why doesn’t she use them when she goes back to the past? Instead she makes herself forget everything? WHAT FOR? She can use her powers to do anything she wants, INCLUDING kicking the ass out of Deus if she feels like it. Troll!
    82. (ep.24) Once again we have no bloody idea why is Phycho Bitch aiding Yuki and even doing GOD’S WILL, something she despised all her life. That is the fourth time they rewrite her personality and it’s not even funny anymore.
    83. (ep.24) A time reset… again. Seriously, I am not surprised at all with this. Anime with wishes and divine powers always turn to this as a cheap way out and it became lame years ago.
    84. (ep.25) Hey look at all the awesome fighting shounen action! Too bad it has absolutely nothing to do with the theme of the story. This was supposed to be about tactics and mystery, remember? All that fuss was there just to kill time with a useless duel between secondary characters. And guess what, Yuki is STILL a pussy despite all the numerous times he claimed he would change and save people. Look at him running and crying! Pathetic! Anyways, this was practically a filler episode.
    85. (ep.26) Meh, a most cop-out finale. Everything is like it never happens and everybody is alive and happy. Yawn! Thanks for a most shitty ending to a most shitty show.

    Y ahora empezaré Guilty Crown, a ver que onda. Preparense seguramente para otra oleada de quejas. (?)

    En su momento habia leido esa lista (cuando estaba saliendo la serie asi que supongo q no estaba completa) y hay bastantes quejas que hiso que estan mal xD (eso no quita que muchas sean quejas validas xd)
    Última edición por -Vanisher-; 03/05/2012 a las 01:47

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