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  1. #1
    Loco de la Guerra! Avatar de n1Ck
    Fecha de Ingreso
    31 ago, 04
    En mi asiento

    Nueva version del x-battle v0.12. Se ZARPA!

    Acaba de salir, tiene de todo, hasta simple items xD

    -Simple Items
    -Referee Support
    -Votable hard-configs for different league rules
    -Map Locations
    -Enhanced Stat Logging

    Aca va el changelist completo de esta version:
    v0.12 ~ January 22th, 2006

    fix: missing teamscore bug.
    fix: missing warmup weapons bug. this time for sure
    fix: nailgun bgcolor in weaponswitch
    fix: (raven/id bug) q4base will crash by trying to vote a map without flags
    in a ctf gametype.
    fix: small issue with g_maxRespawnTime fixed.
    add: cl_simpleItems to draw 3D models as 2D icons. (requested like hell)
    add: referee mode to force several match stuff. see client-commands for full
    add: forced configs to allow the forcing of standard settings for leagues.
    use callvote option setconfig to force a standard
    config. name can be : Quake4, XBattle, ClanBase, Kuh3Liga.
    add: enhanced log support.
    the following server commands were added to control the log support:
    g_statsLog - enables statistics log output.
    g_statsLogEmptyGames - determines whether games with no player action
    will be logged or not.
    fs_statsPath - path to statstics log file
    add: cl_statsUserName , cl_statsPassword to identify player
    in server statistics.
    add: chattokens for teamgames:
    #h - player health colored by value
    #H - player health
    #A - player armor
    #U - lists all powerups the player is currently wearing
    #w - player weapon as shortext. like RG for RailGun etc.
    #W - player weapon as icon.
    #D - damaged by. the last player which attacked you.
    #P - last item that was picked up.
    #I - nearest item name.
    #L - your location.
    add: r_skipWorldFX to remove some world effects.
    0 - Skip nothing
    1 - skips the drawing of the glow effects around items.
    2 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for item spawnpoints.
    4 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for jumppads.
    8 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for teleporter.
    16 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for fog, sparks
    and some more.

    To remove an effect just add his value.
    i.e : A value of 31 removes all visual effects!
    a value of 6 only removes the item spawnpoints and jumppad effects.
    add: user defined map-location support for the teamoverlay and teamchat.
    to add a location you can use the following commands :
    addloc - to add a location. It will automaticly saved to
    the battle/locs folder. i.e.: mapname.cfg
    listloc - displays all known locations for this map
    delloc - delete an entry out of the location-file.
    add: cl_editMapLocations to toggle the drawing of the area number in the
    teamoverlay on/off (useful for creating locationfiles)
    add: cl_weaponConfigs to allow the usage of separate settings for each
    The weapons-cfgs can be set with the cvars cl_weaponConfig0 up to
    Arguments are : g_fov, sensitivity, ui_showGun, g_crosshairCustomFile,
    g_crosshairSize, g_crosshairColor in rgb hex color.
    add: si_autoAction to enforce several things from server-side
    1 statsdump at the end of the match
    2 take endlevel screenshot
    4 records a demo
    So a value of 7 will do everything.
    add: cl_autoAction to enforce several things from client-side
    1 statsdump at the end of the match
    2 take endlevel screenshot
    4 records a demo
    So a value of 7 will do everything.
    add: players / listplayers commands to list all players with id, team,
    flags (ref,coach,captain) and names.
    add: .pakFileList serverinfo cvar which contains all loaded pk4's files
    a client needs to connect to the server.
    add: match_respawnOnSD command to control respawn for sudden death.
    chg: matchtimer visible in warmup and sudden death ( always counts up )
    chg: teamoverlay now shows playerlocation / nearest item.
    chg: hud_drawTeamOverlay positioning: 1 upper right, 2 lower right and
    3 lower left.
    chg: r_displayRefresh works now in MP.
    chg: chat and teamchat appears in q3 style (requested).
    chg: g_gibs and g_blood renamed to cl_gibs and cl_blood.
    chg: recolored weaponmodel textures and glowtexture added.
    chg: scorebot serverinfo names got a . prefix.
    like .Score_Marine / .Score_Time etc.
    to allow smart serverbrowsers to display it sorted at the top of
    the list.
    chg: g_voteFlags now work for callvote.

    La pueden bajar de:

    Y aca tienen una buena herramienta online para crearse una cfg a gusto:

    Acuerdense q la CPL usa Q4MAX pero clanbase para los torneos tdm usa x-battle, lo pongo para q lo prueben, tiene de todo.

  2. #2

    Re: Nueva version del x-battle v0.12. Se ZARPA!

    si, es cierto x ahora esta todo muy confuso, realmente q4max anda pero no anda del todo bien, tiene muchos bugs, hay que esperar una version mas avanzada, y xbattle habria que probarlo pero la verdad no quiero romper el standar que estamos teniendo hasta ahora en argentina de q4max. (mas que nada opino que ESTE no es momento)

  3. #3

    Re: Nueva version del x-battle v0.12. Se ZARPA!

    quizas empiece a jugar si esta tan bueno como decis.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Avatar de gSTRUCTOR
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 oct, 05
    TCP-IP packets

    Re: Nueva version del x-battle v0.12. Se ZARPA!

    q4max ftw
    Servidor Quake3 CPMA Uruguayo ->

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