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Company of Heroes Release Notes

New Maps
  • 2p_Beaux Lowlands
  • 4p_Lyon

General Fixes
  • Games with friends now have a friend icon displayed when browsing the lobby game list.
  • Messages regarding game connection attempts are logged to the chat window for all players in the session.
  • Rank icons now indicate the type of game the rank was earned in.
  • Games with players who have infinite pings now display an "X" for ping in the lobby game list.
  • New game list filtering options added to the online lobby.
  • Custom maps are now properly supported in multiplayer.
  • Losing connection with the lobby while downloading a patch no longer crashes the game.

  • UI sounds have been added to the online lobby.
  • Auto match sound notification has been improved.
  • Various speech fixes for weapons have been implemented and tuned.
  • Destruction sounds have been added to various world objects.
  • Repetition has been reduced in battle chatter and with various units.

    Sherman Calliope:
  • Sherman Calliope’s main tank gun has been removed and the Calliope Barrage ability is now free to use.
  • Sherman Calliope Barrage range increased from 130 to 150 meters.
  • Sherman Calliope now has cap of 2, similar to the Pershing Heavy Tank.
  • Sherman Calliope cost reduced from 600 Manpower to 560 Manpower.
  • Sherman Calliope Barrage ability recharge timer increased to 105 seconds
    M10 Tank Destroyer:
  • Allied M10 Movement improved: 15% increase to acceleration and 10% increase rotation rate.
  • Allied M10 Tank Destroyer weapon damage has been increased and Fuel cost has been reduced by 5.
  • Axis Armoured Car (Puma) 20mm main cannon rear penetration vs. the Allied M10 significantly reduced.
    M8 Armored Car:
  • Allied M8 Armored Car’s accuracy on the move increased. Now on par with the M4 Sherman and M10 Tank Destroyer.
  • Allied M8 Armored Car’s accuracy penalties vs. the Axis Armored Car (Puma) have been removed.
  • Allied M8 Armored Car Armor upgrade Munitions cost reduced by 25.
    M26 Pershing Heavy Tank:
  • Allied Pershing penetration rate vs. the Stug increased to 80%.
  • Axis Stug penetration rate vs. the Pershing has been reduced to 45% from 74.6%
    Allied Commander Tree Improvements:
  • Armoured Fury Branch changed to: Raid to Allied War Machine to Calliope.
  • War Machine Branch changed to: Fast Deployment to Field Repairs to Pershing.
  • Allied War Machine Command Point Cost reduced by 1
  • Sherman Calliope Command Point Cost reduced by 1
    Infantry AT weapon changes (Allies and Axis):
  • All Infantry Anti-Tank weaponry (Bazooka, Recoilless Rifle, Panzerschreck) are slightly more accurate when firing at moving light targets.
  • Allied Bazookas and Recoilless Rifles now deal slightly more damage to Light Vehicles
  • Panzerfaust accuracy against infantry targets has been reduced as intended. While there is still a chance to directly hit and kill targets like snipers,
  • Panzerfausts are now more likely to cause splash damage rather than kill infantry.
  • Panzerschreck Damage vs. base buildings lowered by 25%.
  • Bazooka damage vs. base buildings has been lowered by 25%.
    Allied BAR and suppression changes:
  • Allied BAR Rifle upgrade now gives 2 BAR Rifles rather than 3. Allied BAR Riflemen squads will now be able to pick-up MG42 and Panzerschreck items
  • Allied BAR Rifle damage increased by 40%.
  • Allied BAR Rifle will take slightly longer to Pin units that are in a Suppressed state
  • Allied BAR Suppression ability can no longer suppress and pin units in heavy cover.
    Construction Changes:
  • Players may no longer delete Sand Bags or Tank Traps.
  • Allied Observation Post built from Riflemen now has the same build speed as the Observation Post built by Engineers.
  • Allied Observation Posts, Axis Observation Posts, and Machine Gun Nests now have the appropriate target type while building; now like all other buildings they will be much more susceptible to damage while under construction
  • Axis Volksgrenadiers can now utilize the same build menu as the Grenadiers – this allows them to construct Barbed Wire and Sand Bags.
    Smoke Changes:
  • All Barrage weapons no longer have a 50% chance to miss targets in Smoke.
  • Projectiles will no longer pass directly through Sherman’s on registered “Misses” – they will now behave like all other tanks and those hits will be registered as a non-penetrated “deflection”.
  • Sherman smoke launcher recharge rate was less than the duration of the ability, now set to 45 seconds
    Axis Officer:
  • Axis ‘Leutnant’ Manpower cost decreased to 260 from 340
  • Axis ‘Leutnant’ Build Time increased to 60 from 30.
    General Squad and Weapon Changes (Allies and Axis):
  • All Snipers more effective against units garrisoned inside of bunkers.
  • All Allied Rifles slightly more effective against Axis Motorcycles
  • Allied Engineers with the Flamethrower upgrade are no longer resistant to Sniper Shots
  • Fixed an issue where the Stug’s main gun Area-of-Effect was too effective against infantry squads.
  • Axis Assault ability will now break pinning/suppression and prevent pinning/suppression while the ability is active.
  • Increased Axis Infantry passive health regeneration bonus received from their first level of veterancy by 40%.
    General Vehicle Changes (Allies and Axis):
  • Panzer IV accuracy while moving set to the same value as other tanks.
  • Axis Goliaths now destroy Tank Traps in a single explosion.
  • Axis Armoured Car Puma 50mm Cannon upgrade now requires Escalate to Battle Phase upgrade.
  • Axis Motorcycles damage vs. units in light or heavy cover has been slightly reduced
  • Axis StuH 42 now effectively kills infantry as was originally intended
  • Axis Armoured Car Puma 50mm Upgrade accuracy reduced vs. infantry. It is intended as an anti-armor upgrade.
    General Heavy Weapon Team Changes (Allies and Axis):
  • All Mortars now have a chance to deal Mobility Damage if they hit Light Vehicles.
  • All Anti-Tank guns are now more accurate when firing at moving and stationary Light Vehicles.
  • Allied 57mm Anti-Tank gun firing cone has been increased by 20 degrees to match Axis 50mm Anti-Tank gun.
  • Allied HMG Armor Piercing Rounds ability price reduced from 50 to 35 munitions.
  • Allied Howitzer Gun Barrage is less accurate when firing into the Fog of War.
  • Axis Nebelwerfer Manpower cost has been reduced by 20
  • Axis Nebelwerfer Rocket Suppression area of effect increased.
  • Axis Nebelwerfer Rocket area of effect damaged reduced. Direct hits and near misses will still damage infantry units.
  • Axis Nebelwerfer will deal a reduced amount of damage to units in light, heavy, bunker, and garrison cover types.
  • Axis Flak 88’s are more resilient to Artillery, off-map attacks, and satchel charges (the crew manning them is not).
  • Axis Flak 88’s and Nebelwerfers can now be re-manned by 2-man Pioneer squads.