Si la fórmula es multiplicativa entonces si, está bien. La duda más que nada me surge por comentarios que leí en los foros de blizzard.

Cita Iniciado por Valrdis

2010/03/31 at 5:20 PM (Patch 3.3.3)
Blood Caked Blade

Pretty much is free DPS in the sense once you spec it you dont have to do anything other then hit your target. The more diseases you have on the target the more potent the dmg. As your Weapon dmg scales up so does the dmg. Haste can increase the frequency of procs as I dont recall ever seeing an internal cooldown on the ability.

Things to know about it: BCB can be parried/dodged/missed, which is why its not reccomended for tanking, and since DPS attack from behind the dodges and parries are a non issue unless you are not at the expertise softcap; it can still miss if your hit rating is to low.

A blood caked strike will show its dmg as Physical dmg, so ArP will further increase its dmg.

An unholy DK will have 3 diseases on the target, Blood Plague, Frost Fever, and/or Crypt Fever/Ebon Plague. So in theory you have a 30% chance on your autoattacks of dealing an extra strike at 50%-62.5% of your weapon dmg(dependent on disease count).

As a whole it should encompass ~3%-5% of your total dmg over the coarse of a 5 minute fight.

Es un quote de la 3.3.3 y estos son los cambios que tuvo hasta que fue removido:

4.0.1 (12-Oct-2010): This talent moved from 4th tier Unholy Tree to 3rd tier Blood Tree.
3.2.0 (04-Aug-2009): The damage from this talent is no longer normalized to weapon speed.