Siempre me pareció raro este tema de q se pueda usar 2 trinkets con el mismo nombre q sean únicos. Pero leyendo un poco en internet, encontré esto en wowhead a unos comments haciendo referencia a este aspecto ( sacado de Muradin's Spyglass - Item - World of Warcraft ):

By joescat (353 – 3) on 2010/02/04 (Patch 3.3.2) Report
Can this be equipped with the i251 version? RAWR says it can, but that's certainly not definitive.

lazygirl4996 on 2010/02/09 (Patch 3.3.2)
Reply to joescat: All Icecrown Rings & Trinkets are unique equipped (You cannot have a normal & heroic version equipped at the same time)

Nexovus on 2010/02/24 (Patch 3.3.2)
Reign of the Unliving, heroic and normal are both unique with the same name, yet you can equip both at the same time, and they still function individually as intended. Unless someone made a mistake this time around, the same rules should apply to ICC normal and heroic unique items. I have the normal trinket on my mage, cant wait to get the heroic version soon!

xxjay17xx on 2010/02/26 (Patch 3.3.2)
In ToC content they were not unique and you could have both the Heroic and regular versions equipped with no problems. In icecrown content however, blizzard has specifically stated that this is not the case. You can have EITHER the regular or heroic equipped at the same time, but not both.

eggbin on 2010/06/25 (Patch 3.3.5)
The ToC trinkets are unique. They're called "Reign of the Unliving". But, the normal version gives you the mote called "Mote of Flame" and the heroic one gives you "Shard of Flame". I don't know if this trinket does the same thing normal/heroic but the normal proc is called "Cultivated Power".

Simplemente pongo esto, si les parece suficiente para buscar más información al respecto diganme y lo hago, al menos que ustedes ya hayan buscado al respecto este tema y estén seguros de la cuestión y entonces no tenga sentido q yo me ponga a buscar.

Básicamente me entró la duda al considerar lo muy fruta q es tanto para melees o casters utilizar 2 trinkets iguales q en definitiva son Unique a pesar de q uno sea Heroic y otro no. Para mí lo normal sería q solo se pueda usar 1, por algo lo de Unique, pero al no estar seguro busque un poquito.
