What is GG-Ladder System?

GG-Ladder System is an integrated system in GGClient software that let you search for players to play with. Wins and loses will be recorded with rank.

GG-Ladder System Specifications:

1) Gateway Selection(Asia Gateway) – (Europe Gateway) – (America Gateway)
2) Ping Choice Selection
3) Maps Selection
4) Credit System (For a Fair host)
5) Replay Auto saver
6) Apm Checker
7) Auto Locate Map
8) Match Up and Experience Calculations
9) Game icons
10) Ladder Page (www.gg-game.com/ladder)

1) Gateway Selection:
You may Select Gateway according to your location for fast and stable games.

2) Ping Choice Selection:
The ability to set a acceptable latency to search for.
Ex) Average means system will start searching users who have from average ping to you.

3) Maps Selection:
Each user can unselect 3 maps from the maps.

4) Credit System:

Credit system is a way fair system that makes you play on a good host without lag, spikes or cheats.
Each user starts with 1000 credit points and if the user exited the game after the game started or disconnected he lose credit points. And if the host created wrong map he loses a large number of credit points too. Players who uses wrong race for games will lose many credit too.
So basically if you don’t get credit points you can’t host. When you host a game you lose a little bit of credit and when you join and finish a game you get credit.

5) Replay auto saver:

After each game the user played the replay is saved in a folder called GG-Game\YourUserName.

6)Apm Checker:
After each game the system gives you details about your apm and your opponent's apm.

7) Direct map path:

When the user is going to host the game the system automatically chooses the map that came with the search if user clicks YES in the map locate window.

8) Match up and Experience calculations:

Level Diff Win Lose
0 +100 -100
1 +95 -90
2 +90 -80
3 +85 -70
4 +80 -60
5 +75 -50
-1 +110 -95
-2 +120 -90
-3 +130 -85
-4 +140 -80
-5 +150 -75
