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Tema: La venganza de blizzard

  1. #1

    La venganza de blizzard

    Estaba hablando con un amigo que juega en burning wow, como saben uno de los mas completos servers, pero me dijo que lo estan cerrando, la razon seria que blizzard esta usando como medio legal para cerrar los servers privados, el DMCA, para los que no sepan que es Digital Millennium Copyright Act - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    aca les muestro los post del server en cuestion:
    esto es de un desarrollador
    Hello everyone,

    As you all have heard by now, there are many rumors floating around that Blizzard is shutting down emulated WOW servers using the DMCA. I cannot confirm nor deny that this has actually happened, nor can I make an advisable argument as to whether or not Emulation is legal in the United States in regards to an MMORPG.

    However, I can state that Burning-WoW is equipped to handle such a situation. We take daily backups of vital data and code, and though being interrupting, such a notice would not cause this community to cease to exist. Burning-Wow will continue, and will prosper.

    Please be sure to help squash rumors like this by directing other players to the "News and Announcements" thread, as they can be detrimental to the community!

    Happy Hunting!
    Daenks (for the Burning-Wow Community Staff)

    esto del administrador del server:

    In case you haven't heard, a number of servers have been served with a DMCA, and i have just found out that includes us.
    I'm sort on time because i am on my lunch break, but from what we have received, its quite powerful and has the potential for alot of legal trouble. As a result, we are taking this very seriously, at this stage it may very well be the end for Burning WoW. After i finish work i will look into this in greater detail, and look into where to go from here.

    Sorry for the short annoucement, ill make things alot clearer once at back at home and can deal with this more effectively.

    y esto es otro mensaje del administrador, ya resignado:

    I regret to inform everyone that i will now be proceeding with taking the Burning WoW gaming realms offline.
    In light of the current situation regarding the issue of the DMCA to multiple servers including us, we have decided to take down the servers and will be ceasing operations from here on in. The future of Burning WoW is clearly in doubt, personally i will not be supporting further operation of Burning WoW and it appears likely that this will be the end for Burning WoW.

    Sad it has had to come to this but the whole situation has become a legal matter and to even consider continuing operation would be very foolish.

    We will make an effort to keep the main website online to provide a last line of communication, mainly to keep everyone informed regarding the state of the server and if any further announcements are to be made. Forums may also be kept open to help continue discussion.

    In any case, you can take this as a resignation on my part. I am not currently considering at all of continuing Burning WoW in its current form. If others are planning to continue things on, i will not be involved and you do this at your own risk. I also don't particularly support the further operation of this server, and i feel this is in the best interests of everyone involved here that its best things come to an end.

    Take care everyone, its been some time now since i have involved here and its not easy to let things go, but ultimately its a decision that has to be made.


    Última edición por metalium; 05/12/2008 a las 11:12

  2. #2

    Re: La venganza de blizzard

    Ni ahi me leia todo, pero a mi me tocan WoWArg y van a rodar cabezas
    Cita Iniciado por Ecthelyon Ver Mensaje
    La verdad que que lindo debe ser hincha de Boca, no solo tendés a romperle el culo a tu clásico rival de varias y a veces épicas maneras, sino que encima vas a Brasil y te tienen cuqui. Sana envidia por Boca.

    Y que feo ser de River, no sólo es bastante amarga la hinchada (puede ser por tener taaaaaantos campeonatos, se acostumbraron), sino también porque van a una copa y ya saben que si tienen suerte pasan 8vos.

    Cita Iniciado por reverse Ver Mensaje
    Dsp de probar infinitas formas y solo lograr que me apareciera el cartel de que no podia entrar a mas estancias, se me ocurrio otra..

  3. #3
    El GIFero del pueblo Avatar de Bonadeo
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    En la estacion de poder

    Re: La venganza de blizzard

    Siempre Blizzard cerro cuanto server pudo pero igual se limita a EEUU nada mas, asi que solo a una parte de los servers le va a kber.

  4. #4
    O_o Avatar de Keta
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    R. Calzada

    Re: La venganza de blizzard

    Se rumorea que los de Blizzard vieron que teniamos las badges a 75% y el drop re choto, se cagaron de risa y fueron a cerrar otros servers.

    no sé como llegue al staff si no tengo ni hermana

  5. #5

    Re: La venganza de blizzard

    eso seguro, olvidate que blizzard cierre wowarg, casi seguro nos van a ver y nos van a dar una mano con arcemu para no quedar tan mal ellos

  6. #6

    Re: La venganza de blizzard

    jajajja q ustedes dicen q por hay blizzard nos adopta?

  7. #7
    Mi miembro no es junior Avatar de lemondief
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08

    Re: La venganza de blizzard

    Que salga kroken con el boton de panico

  8. #8
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    Lima, Perú

    Re: La venganza de blizzard

    Que salga kroken con el boton de panico
    No, no... ese boton está exclusivamente reservado para el reset

  9. #9
    Joyeux Noel! Avatar de Danimay
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    Mar del Plata

    Re: La venganza de blizzard

    Cita Iniciado por Keta Ver Mensaje
    Se rumorea que los de Blizzard vieron que teniamos las badges a 75% y el drop re choto, se cagaron de risa y fueron a cerrar otros servers.
    jajaja, igual, a blizz no le conviene cerar tanto server privado. sabe q nosotros sabemos q jugamos en servers de mierda al lado del de ellos, y lo unico q hacemos es hacerles publicidad, porq banda de gende de aca se fue, se va y se ira al ofi.
    Sajalin / Feanaro / Dani

  10. #10
    El GIFero del pueblo Avatar de Bonadeo
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    En la estacion de poder

    Re: La venganza de blizzard

    Estos son algunos de los que van a ser cerrados: Toxic-wow, wowscape, wowgasm, ani-wow, burning wow, wow fusion and chaoscrusade. Todos cometieron la pelotudez de tener el server en EEUU.

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