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Tema: duda-Talent everlasting affliction-mage armor

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    duda-Talent everlasting affliction-mage armor

    leyendo por ahi encontre algunas varios post que hacen referencia a que cuando uno aplica corrupcion a un mago con mage armor(la duracion de esta se reduce a la mitad, como funciona aca) pero lo que encontre fue que por el talent everlasting affliction, al actualizar corrupcion por DR,DS,SB,HAunt esta deberia resetear su duracion a su nivel normal.

    Mage Armor is a self-only buff that improves your resistance to all magical schools and allows you to regenerate 3% of your total mana every 5 second (3,6% with Glyph of Mage Armor). (Without this spell, you regenerate much less mana while in combat (See Five second rule.) Lasts 30 min.

    Everlasting Affliction is a tier-10 Warlock talent in the Affliction tree that adds additional damage to the damage over time spells Corruption and Unstable Affliction. In addition, each time you recast your Haunt, Shadow Bolt, Drain Soul, or Drain Life, it has a chance to reset the Corruption counter.

    Si alguien tiene la posta que tire algun dato. Les dejo los post donde lei esto.

    ''If you put a corruption on a mage who is using mage armor, it is extremely short. If you then cast drain life (or got a shadow bolt proc from shadowtrance, or used haunt), in s8 it would reset the corruption to full duration, bypassing the mage armor. This is because of the talent Everlasting Affliction, which resets the duration of corruption on targets when those spells are used. This is affliction only.''
    It greatly helped warlocks vs. mages in s8, although it remains unclear if the mechanic was intentional -- I don't know if Blizzard ever finally cleared up whether mage armor or everlasting affliction should win out in this scenario.

    In keeping with the policy though to keep the servers as blizzlike as possible, this "bug" should be in the game, as it was definitely the case in s8, and I believe in cata as well.

    ''Second, not taking Everlasting Affliction isn't smart, -5% corruption/UA dmg and not reseting Corruption (which tricks mage armor to full duration)''

    Changes to Aff PvP playstyle and spec coming - Warlock - Wowhead Forums

    If you have Everlasting Affliction ( I guess you do...) then cast Haunt and while it's "flying" towards the mage cast Corruption so Haunt resets Corruption to it's maximum duration of 18 seconds.

    Affliction lock vs Frost mage
    Última edición por Necrosis; 25/11/2012 a las 15:17

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